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170 result(s)

  • This is War
    This is War
    This is War


  • 4553
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • 4460
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • DWF - Syrien Refugees in Iowa
    DWF - Syrien Refugees in Iowa
    Syrian Refugees

    Sedra Tameem walks her younger sister and brother, Hala and Mutaz, to their busstop in the family's Des Moines neighborhood.

    Ghazweh Aljabooli and her husband, Abdul Fattah Tameem, are refugees from Syria who were placed in Des Moines, Iowa with their five children. The family's hometown of Homs has seen some of the most fierce fighting and destruction of the civil war in Syria. For two years the family fled fighting within Syria before making it to Jordan, where they began the long process of of getting refugee status in the United States. From Jordan, Aljabooli and Tameem and their children were flown to Iowa to start a new life in middle America. While the transition has not been easy Tameem says, "the only positive thing is my kids are safe, this is essential."

    Iowa's Republican Governor, Terry Branstad, has apposed Syrian refugees being placed in his state. The federal government is in charge of refugee settlement though, and the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a nonprofit that contracts with the U.S. Department of State, settled the Tameem family in Des Moines.
    © Danny Wilcox Frazier/VII
    DWF - Syrien Refugees in Iowa
    Syrian Refugees

    Sedra Tameem walks her younger sister and brother, Hala and Mutaz, to their busstop in the family's Des Moines neighborhood.

    Ghazweh Aljabooli and her husband, Abdul Fattah Tameem, are refugees from Syria who were placed in Des Moines, Iowa with their five children. The family's hometown of Homs has seen some of the most fierce fighting and destruction of the civil war in Syria. For two years the family fled fighting within Syria before making it to Jordan, where they began the long process of of getting refugee status in the United States. From Jordan, Aljabooli and Tameem and their children were flown to Iowa to start a new life in middle America. While the transition has not been easy Tameem says, "the only positive thing is my kids are safe, this is essential."

    Iowa's Republican Governor, Terry Branstad, has apposed Syrian refugees being placed in his state. The federal government is in charge of refugee settlement though, and the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a nonprofit that contracts with the U.S. Department of State, settled the Tameem family in Des Moines.
    © Danny Wilcox Frazier/VII


  • DWF - Lockdown Inc. (The Republican National Convention)
    DWF - Lockdown Inc. (The Republican National Convention)
    Republican National Convention

    Celebrations after Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

    LOCKDOWN: The Republican National Convention transformed downtown Cleveland into a maze of steel and concrete barriers constructed to protect Quicken Loans Arena from assault or protest. Law enforcement on bikes, horseback and in rapid response squads occupied much of the city. Side streets appeared empty and many restaurants and bars were quiet. In places, downtown Cleveland felt void of life, the lockdown scaring all but the most faithful away.

    Inside the convention the Jumbotron projected a vision of strength and unapologetic aggression. Speech after speech worked to reinforce the need for order and security. With domestic attacks in Dallas, Orlando and San Bernardino on many people?s minds, the message seemed universally accepted. The alliance between a billionaire businessman and Republicans was locked in, even if the party establishment was cold to the relationship. The celebration continued and the empty streets waited outside?
    © Danny Wilcox Frazier / VII
    DWF - Lockdown Inc. (The Republican National Convention)
    Republican National Convention

    Celebrations after Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

    LOCKDOWN: The Republican National Convention transformed downtown Cleveland into a maze of steel and concrete barriers constructed to protect Quicken Loans Arena from assault or protest. Law enforcement on bikes, horseback and in rapid response squads occupied much of the city. Side streets appeared empty and many restaurants and bars were quiet. In places, downtown Cleveland felt void of life, the lockdown scaring all but the most faithful away.

    Inside the convention the Jumbotron projected a vision of strength and unapologetic aggression. Speech after speech worked to reinforce the need for order and security. With domestic attacks in Dallas, Orlando and San Bernardino on many people?s minds, the message seemed universally accepted. The alliance between a billionaire businessman and Republicans was locked in, even if the party establishment was cold to the relationship. The celebration continued and the empty streets waited outside?
    © Danny Wilcox Frazier / VII


  • Homicide in Houston
    Homicide in Houston
    July 16, 1992 - Houston, Texas, USA: Houston Police make arrests during a drug raid. (Stephen Shames/Polaris)
    © Stephen Shames
    Homicide in Houston
    July 16, 1992 - Houston, Texas, USA: Houston Police make arrests during a drug raid. (Stephen Shames/Polaris)
    © Stephen Shames


  • DWF - VII Portfolio
    DWF - VII Portfolio

    John Neumann works on his pickup, Cactus Flat, South Dakota.
    Danny Wilcox Frazier © 2015
    DWF - VII Portfolio

    John Neumann works on his pickup, Cactus Flat, South Dakota.
    Danny Wilcox Frazier © 2015


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Terry Nixon (48) is widowed, has four grown daughters and has survived cancer. She is learning impaired; her husband used to support her, and now she has applied for disability benefits. She lives at the YWCA in Troy.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Terry Nixon (48) is widowed, has four grown daughters and has survived cancer. She is learning impaired; her husband used to support her, and now she has applied for disability benefits. She lives at the YWCA in Troy.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Megan, Laurie's eldest daughter, gets breakfast for herself while Laurie is at work.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Megan, Laurie's eldest daughter, gets breakfast for herself while Laurie is at work.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    The Schuyler Inn, once a motel and now a homeless shelter housing families on one side and recently released sex offenders on the other.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    The Schuyler Inn, once a motel and now a homeless shelter housing families on one side and recently released sex offenders on the other.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Laurie, a mother of four, was evicted when suffering from depression. Deborah, Kayla's mother, took in Laurie and her kids; they now live upstairs in the house owned by Deborah's boyfriend and where Deborah lives with her seven kids.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Laurie, a mother of four, was evicted when suffering from depression. Deborah, Kayla's mother, took in Laurie and her kids; they now live upstairs in the house owned by Deborah's boyfriend and where Deborah lives with her seven kids.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Lawrence (12), who has had a weight problem since birth, lives with his mother, brother and two sisters. The roof of their apartment caved in and for the past three months they have been in a homeless shelter, with no cooking facilities and little to do. Many of the residents have criminal records and it is not safe for the children to move about. Lawrence has been putting on weight steadily since they moved in.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Lawrence (12), who has had a weight problem since birth, lives with his mother, brother and two sisters. The roof of their apartment caved in and for the past three months they have been in a homeless shelter, with no cooking facilities and little to do. Many of the residents have criminal records and it is not safe for the children to move about. Lawrence has been putting on weight steadily since they moved in.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    While Troy is still 80% white, Black and Hispanic men moving in from New York City have made working class Troy a melting pot. Love can break down prejudices, and on a practical level many women see these streetwise men as cash cows with the drug trade offering plenty of fast money, while hometown boys at Wal-Mart or auto mechanics work long hours for a small income.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    While Troy is still 80% white, Black and Hispanic men moving in from New York City have made working class Troy a melting pot. Love can break down prejudices, and on a practical level many women see these streetwise men as cash cows with the drug trade offering plenty of fast money, while hometown boys at Wal-Mart or auto mechanics work long hours for a small income.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee (8) and Debbie (9) pretending to smoke. Their Mom, Diana (32), has smoked since she was a teenager. The eldest daughter, aged 12, often lights a cigarette for her Mom and takes it to her with her morning bottle of Mountain Dew soda.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee (8) and Debbie (9) pretending to smoke. Their Mom, Diana (32), has smoked since she was a teenager. The eldest daughter, aged 12, often lights a cigarette for her Mom and takes it to her with her morning bottle of Mountain Dew soda.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Heather, 21 and gay, taking the entrance exam for the Army. Heather lived with Kayla for a year. The recruiter came to the house and gave her the test in the family kitchen. Heather, who has AD/HD, did not pass, and never managed to get the remedial algebra needed to sign up.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Heather, 21 and gay, taking the entrance exam for the Army. Heather lived with Kayla for a year. The recruiter came to the house and gave her the test in the family kitchen. Heather, who has AD/HD, did not pass, and never managed to get the remedial algebra needed to sign up.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana's kids waiting for their grandmother to pick them up. They will stay with her till midnight when their Mom finishes work. The children are supposed to be folding the laundry and cleaning the house.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana's kids waiting for their grandmother to pick them up. They will stay with her till midnight when their Mom finishes work. The children are supposed to be folding the laundry and cleaning the house.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    When Lorraine's family lost their apartment, her friend Carmella let the family of four stay in her already crowded household of six; the boys shared a makeshift bedroom in the half-finished attic.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    When Lorraine's family lost their apartment, her friend Carmella let the family of four stay in her already crowded household of six; the boys shared a makeshift bedroom in the half-finished attic.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    A television interview with young residents in North Troy during a rally protesting against gun violence. North Troy is notorious for gang activity and local media are keen to find an excuse to enter the usually closed community.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    A television interview with young residents in North Troy during a rally protesting against gun violence. North Troy is notorious for gang activity and local media are keen to find an excuse to enter the usually closed community.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Dana (21) with her baby, before going home to her new husband and stepdaughter.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Dana (21) with her baby, before going home to her new husband and stepdaughter.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Roseanne visiting her two daughters and their children who live together in one apartment. The younger daughter, Michelene, overcame drug addiction when pregnant. Her baby, Belinda, now a healthy two-year old, is with her Grandma who calls her a "miracle baby." Not only does she have a grandchild, but she also has her daughter back, as Michelene has remained in her court-ordered drug treatment program.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Roseanne visiting her two daughters and their children who live together in one apartment. The younger daughter, Michelene, overcame drug addiction when pregnant. Her baby, Belinda, now a healthy two-year old, is with her Grandma who calls her a "miracle baby." Not only does she have a grandchild, but she also has her daughter back, as Michelene has remained in her court-ordered drug treatment program.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Dana and Ali live in a small, well kept apartment. The baby shower at the church was a huge success and they barely have space for all the gifts. Ali works at a disaster cleaning service and Dana will stay home with the new baby and Ali's three-year-old daughter from a previous girlfriend.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Dana and Ali live in a small, well kept apartment. The baby shower at the church was a huge success and they barely have space for all the gifts. Ali works at a disaster cleaning service and Dana will stay home with the new baby and Ali's three-year-old daughter from a previous girlfriend.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Dina "skating" in the family yard. The landlord cited the state of the yard as one of the reasons for evicting the family.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Dina "skating" in the family yard. The landlord cited the state of the yard as one of the reasons for evicting the family.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Laurie first met Bob when she and her four children were living in his sister's house and he was released from prison. He moved in, but has been in and out of jail for years. Laurie now shares the basement flat with Roseanne.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Laurie first met Bob when she and her four children were living in his sister's house and he was released from prison. He moved in, but has been in and out of jail for years. Laurie now shares the basement flat with Roseanne.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Laurie first met Bob when she and her four children were living in his sister's house and he was released from prison. He moved in, but has been in and out of jail for years. Laurie now shares the basement flat with Roseanne.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Laurie first met Bob when she and her four children were living in his sister's house and he was released from prison. He moved in, but has been in and out of jail for years. Laurie now shares the basement flat with Roseanne.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Dana first fell pregnant before the age of 18 to a younger boy who went to prison for two years early in the pregnancy. Her family are devout Christians, and she entered into an open adoption arrangement with a family attending the same church. Two years later Dana fell in love with Ali, from Pakistan, who ended up converting to Christianity. Dana, aged 20, is pregnant again, and because of her Christian faith, is marrying Ali. She gave birth six weeks later.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Dana first fell pregnant before the age of 18 to a younger boy who went to prison for two years early in the pregnancy. Her family are devout Christians, and she entered into an open adoption arrangement with a family attending the same church. Two years later Dana fell in love with Ali, from Pakistan, who ended up converting to Christianity. Dana, aged 20, is pregnant again, and because of her Christian faith, is marrying Ali. She gave birth six weeks later.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Jose was born in The Bronx and has spent time in prison for drug-related crimes. He moved to Kayla's block in North Troy. She was 15, her son nearly two, and she became his girl for a few months till he went back to prison. For parole, Jose gave her address, and moved in, promising good times and money, and professing undying love. He was locked up again after six months. The barbed wire tattooed on his face symbolizes the time spent inside cages.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Jose was born in The Bronx and has spent time in prison for drug-related crimes. He moved to Kayla's block in North Troy. She was 15, her son nearly two, and she became his girl for a few months till he went back to prison. For parole, Jose gave her address, and moved in, promising good times and money, and professing undying love. He was locked up again after six months. The barbed wire tattooed on his face symbolizes the time spent inside cages.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Roseanne (47) had nowhere to live and her friend Deborah, mother of five, needed a live-in babysitter. Roseanne moved into Deborah's basement five years ago and is now both nanny and "grand-nanny" as her youngest daughter has had a baby, another one to baby-sit. The daughter and granddaughter often spend the night in the basement bedroom.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Roseanne (47) had nowhere to live and her friend Deborah, mother of five, needed a live-in babysitter. Roseanne moved into Deborah's basement five years ago and is now both nanny and "grand-nanny" as her youngest daughter has had a baby, another one to baby-sit. The daughter and granddaughter often spend the night in the basement bedroom.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Little Jessie (7) after spray-painting his hair.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Little Jessie (7) after spray-painting his hair.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Deshaun (4), with the babysitter, her nephew, and his Mom, Billie Jean, doing her hair before work; she works 50 hours a week at McDonald's, earning $8 an hour. Childcare at a licensed facility would cost half her pay.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Deshaun (4), with the babysitter, her nephew, and his Mom, Billie Jean, doing her hair before work; she works 50 hours a week at McDonald's, earning $8 an hour. Childcare at a licensed facility would cost half her pay.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Jessie (6) has been drinking coffee since he was a baby and gets headaches if he does not have enough. Here he is waiting for Roseanne, the "Nanny" to get him a coffee.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Jessie (6) has been drinking coffee since he was a baby and gets headaches if he does not have enough. Here he is waiting for Roseanne, the "Nanny" to get him a coffee.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Kayla looking attractive for James who feels neglected after spending all day at home with D'Anthony.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Kayla looking attractive for James who feels neglected after spending all day at home with D'Anthony.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana's daughter Dennys (9) has AD/HD [Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder]. She is often teased by her sisters and brother as they vie for their mother's attention. Here she is with the spoils found after the landlord evicted neighboring tenants.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana's daughter Dennys (9) has AD/HD [Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder]. She is often teased by her sisters and brother as they vie for their mother's attention. Here she is with the spoils found after the landlord evicted neighboring tenants.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Bedtime is tough with four kids and Diana often threatens them with a belt.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Bedtime is tough with four kids and Diana often threatens them with a belt.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana, mother of seven. The father of the three oldest has custody and the Family Court ruling requires her to pay child support which takes half her income, leaving less than $200 a week for the family of five. Because she is employed, she has lost food stamp benefits worth more than $500 a month, so works over forty hours a week for only $300 more than she previously had from food stamps and social services.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana, mother of seven. The father of the three oldest has custody and the Family Court ruling requires her to pay child support which takes half her income, leaving less than $200 a week for the family of five. Because she is employed, she has lost food stamp benefits worth more than $500 a month, so works over forty hours a week for only $300 more than she previously had from food stamps and social services.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana, mother of seven. The father of the three oldest has custody and the Family Court ruling requires her to pay child support which takes half her income, leaving less than $200 a week for the family of five. Because she is employed, she has lost food stamp benefits worth more than $500 a month, so works over forty hours a week for only $300 more than she previously had from food stamps and social services.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana, mother of seven. The father of the three oldest has custody and the Family Court ruling requires her to pay child support which takes half her income, leaving less than $200 a week for the family of five. Because she is employed, she has lost food stamp benefits worth more than $500 a month, so works over forty hours a week for only $300 more than she previously had from food stamps and social services.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana, mother of seven. The father of the three oldest has custody and the Family Court ruling requires her to pay child support which takes half her income, leaving less than $200 a week for the family of five. Because she is employed, she has lost food stamp benefits worth more than $500 a month, so works over forty hours a week for only $300 more than she previously had from food stamps and social services.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana, mother of seven. The father of the three oldest has custody and the Family Court ruling requires her to pay child support which takes half her income, leaving less than $200 a week for the family of five. Because she is employed, she has lost food stamp benefits worth more than $500 a month, so works over forty hours a week for only $300 more than she previously had from food stamps and social services.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana, mother of seven. The father of the three oldest has custody and the Family Court ruling requires her to pay child support which takes half her income, leaving less than $200 a week for the family of five. Because she is employed, she has lost food stamp benefits worth more than $500 a month, so works over forty hours a week for only $300 more than she previously had from food stamps and social services.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Diana, mother of seven. The father of the three oldest has custody and the Family Court ruling requires her to pay child support which takes half her income, leaving less than $200 a week for the family of five. Because she is employed, she has lost food stamp benefits worth more than $500 a month, so works over forty hours a week for only $300 more than she previously had from food stamps and social services.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee goes to work with her mother on days when she wins the argument and does not have to stay with her Dad or grandmother.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee goes to work with her mother on days when she wins the argument and does not have to stay with her Dad or grandmother.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee goes to work with her mother on days when she wins the argument and does not have to stay with her Dad or grandmother.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee goes to work with her mother on days when she wins the argument and does not have to stay with her Dad or grandmother.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    D'Anthony, the youngest of the pack playing a "fighting game" with his Uncle Jessie (5). D'Anthony's Mom and his grandmother are working a morning shift. The men, who are all out of work and have problems with the law, mind the children.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    D'Anthony, the youngest of the pack playing a "fighting game" with his Uncle Jessie (5). D'Anthony's Mom and his grandmother are working a morning shift. The men, who are all out of work and have problems with the law, mind the children.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Kayla's son D'Anthony. Kayla drinks more than two liters of Mountain Dew a day, and calls it her "crack juice." She has acid reflux disease and severe complications.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Kayla's son D'Anthony. Kayla drinks more than two liters of Mountain Dew a day, and calls it her "crack juice." She has acid reflux disease and severe complications.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Afavia (9) and the Care Bear.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Afavia (9) and the Care Bear.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee takes charge while her Mom works the night shift.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee takes charge while her Mom works the night shift.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Lydia was nineteen, pregnant and homeless when Diana took her in. A few weeks later, Diana got a job, and Lydia became the babysitter. She divides her time between breaking up fights between the children and talking to her boyfriend on the phone.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Lydia was nineteen, pregnant and homeless when Diana took her in. A few weeks later, Diana got a job, and Lydia became the babysitter. She divides her time between breaking up fights between the children and talking to her boyfriend on the phone.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Afavia lights a cigarette for her Mom, while her sister, Little D (10) and brother David (8) get breakfast.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Afavia lights a cigarette for her Mom, while her sister, Little D (10) and brother David (8) get breakfast.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Baby Lydia sleeps under the Sunday funnies while the voice of Sponge Bob sings on TV, and her four cousins play and scream around her. Her aunt Diana has seven children, four at home and three with their father. Diana baby-sits Lydia several times a week.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Baby Lydia sleeps under the Sunday funnies while the voice of Sponge Bob sings on TV, and her four cousins play and scream around her. Her aunt Diana has seven children, four at home and three with their father. Diana baby-sits Lydia several times a week.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee, asleep after a tantrum because she was not allowed to go to her Dad's house while her Mom is at work
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee, asleep after a tantrum because she was not allowed to go to her Dad's house while her Mom is at work
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee lives with her Mom, two sisters and brother in Troy. The food for the family is low-cost and easy to prepare. Darlee was recently diagnosed with AD/HD [Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder], and needs a proper diet. Even if mothers knew about a better diet and nutrition, there is a cultural stigma attached to eating differently from neighbors and friends, so a cycle of poor nutrition is passed down through generations.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Darlee lives with her Mom, two sisters and brother in Troy. The food for the family is low-cost and easy to prepare. Darlee was recently diagnosed with AD/HD [Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder], and needs a proper diet. Even if mothers knew about a better diet and nutrition, there is a cultural stigma attached to eating differently from neighbors and friends, so a cycle of poor nutrition is passed down through generations.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Jessica lives in a neighborhood notorious for street violence and police presence. When she was 21, she spent ten months in the County Jail on an arson charge after accidentally setting fire to a squat. Jessica has learning problems and spends her time in her room with video games and friends. Chasing cops in her Grand Theft Auto Game, she comments: "Now you know how we feel!"
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Jessica lives in a neighborhood notorious for street violence and police presence. When she was 21, she spent ten months in the County Jail on an arson charge after accidentally setting fire to a squat. Jessica has learning problems and spends her time in her room with video games and friends. Chasing cops in her Grand Theft Auto Game, she comments: "Now you know how we feel!"
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    After a day's babysitting in exchange for her basement room, Roseanne is minding her grandson so that her daughter can go out after working a long shift at McDonald's.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
    After a day's babysitting in exchange for her basement room, Roseanne is minding her grandson so that her daughter can go out after working a long shift at McDonald's.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally