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    © Ed Kashi / VII
    © Ed Kashi / VII


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    © Ed Kashi / VII
    © Ed Kashi / VII


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    © Ed Kashi / VII
    © Ed Kashi / VII


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    © Ed Kashi / VII
    © Ed Kashi / VII


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    © Ed Kashi / VII
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    JAMARAN / IRAN / October 1980: Shortly after the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, the mullahs, in arms, march past Ayatollah Khomeini’s residence in Jamaran, north of Tehran, thus affirming their support for the Guide of the Revolution. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    JAMARAN / IRAN / October 1980: Shortly after the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, the mullahs, in arms, march past Ayatollah Khomeini’s residence in Jamaran, north of Tehran, thus affirming their support for the Guide of the Revolution. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / April 1984: In the capital’s biggest cemetery, a fountain of water colored red, symbol of martyrs, was installed. A group of veiled women passes by. The war caused more than one million casualties. Tehran, Behesht-e-Zahra Cemetery. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / April 1984: In the capital’s biggest cemetery, a fountain of water colored red, symbol of martyrs, was installed. A group of veiled women passes by. The war caused more than one million casualties. Tehran, Behesht-e-Zahra Cemetery. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / 02.12.1983: A young boy wearing a combat volunteer’s uniform holds a gun during a parade of female basijis ("volunteers") in Tehran. The white band around his head is an invocation of the Ayatollah Khomeini. This photo was part of the feature story that won the World Press Photo 1st prize in the category news feature stories in 1983 and was used as a poster for the 1984 World Press Photo Award. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / 02.12.1983: A young boy wearing a combat volunteer’s uniform holds a gun during a parade of female basijis ("volunteers") in Tehran. The white band around his head is an invocation of the Ayatollah Khomeini. This photo was part of the feature story that won the World Press Photo 1st prize in the category news feature stories in 1983 and was used as a poster for the 1984 World Press Photo Award. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    AHWAZ / IRAN / February 1983: A parade of Islamic revolutionary guards (Pasdaran) marches over a US flag on the ground in Ahwaz, at the front line of the Iran-Iraq war, in order to commermorate the 4th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. This photo was part of the feature story that won the World Press Photo 1st prize in the category news feature stories in 1983. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    AHWAZ / IRAN / February 1983: A parade of Islamic revolutionary guards (Pasdaran) marches over a US flag on the ground in Ahwaz, at the front line of the Iran-Iraq war, in order to commermorate the 4th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. This photo was part of the feature story that won the World Press Photo 1st prize in the category news feature stories in 1983. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    SHALAMSHEH / IRAN / 1983: A group of mullahs, sent especially to the front in Shalamcheh, on the Iranian side of the Iran-Iraq border near Abadan, by Ayatollah Khomeini, observes the oil port of Faw in Iraq burning at the horizont. This photo was part of the feature story that won the World Press Photo 1st prize in the category news feature stories in 1983. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    SHALAMSHEH / IRAN / 1983: A group of mullahs, sent especially to the front in Shalamcheh, on the Iranian side of the Iran-Iraq border near Abadan, by Ayatollah Khomeini, observes the oil port of Faw in Iraq burning at the horizont. This photo was part of the feature story that won the World Press Photo 1st prize in the category news feature stories in 1983. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    PARANDAK / IRAN / May 1982: Iraqi prisoners of war are forced to pray with a portrait of Khomeini in Parandak military base, 50 km (30 miles) from Tehran. After the battle of Desfuz, during the victorious offensive aimed at recovering the city of Khoramshahr, about 15,000 Iraqi prisoners from all the prison camps of the country were assembled and shown to the press. Although they were members of the Sunni branch of Islam, they were subjected to “re-education” in Shia Islam beliefs and practices. Here, they pray while carrying a portrait of Ayatollah Khomeini. Some refused to renounce their own belief. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    PARANDAK / IRAN / May 1982: Iraqi prisoners of war are forced to pray with a portrait of Khomeini in Parandak military base, 50 km (30 miles) from Tehran. After the battle of Desfuz, during the victorious offensive aimed at recovering the city of Khoramshahr, about 15,000 Iraqi prisoners from all the prison camps of the country were assembled and shown to the press. Although they were members of the Sunni branch of Islam, they were subjected to “re-education” in Shia Islam beliefs and practices. Here, they pray while carrying a portrait of Ayatollah Khomeini. Some refused to renounce their own belief. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    SHALAMSHEH / IRAN / April 1982: Wounded Iranian soldiers wait near the Karkhe River to be evacuated to a hospital. Buses become makeshift ambulances. Occupied since October 1980 by the Iraqis, Khoramshahr became the objective of a major Iranian offensive, dubbed “Jerusalem”. On both sides, it became one of the bloodiest battles of the war (50,000 dead in the first few days). Launched 29-30 April 1982, it ended 23 May by the reconquest of the city by Iran. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    SHALAMSHEH / IRAN / April 1982: Wounded Iranian soldiers wait near the Karkhe River to be evacuated to a hospital. Buses become makeshift ambulances. Occupied since October 1980 by the Iraqis, Khoramshahr became the objective of a major Iranian offensive, dubbed “Jerusalem”. On both sides, it became one of the bloodiest battles of the war (50,000 dead in the first few days). Launched 29-30 April 1982, it ended 23 May by the reconquest of the city by Iran. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    AHWAZ / IRAN / April 1981: A woman carrying her child moans and weeps during the funeral of a war victim on Ahwaz cemetery, Khuzistan, Southwestern Iran. More than one million people died in the Iran-Iraq war. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    AHWAZ / IRAN / April 1981: A woman carrying her child moans and weeps during the funeral of a war victim on Ahwaz cemetery, Khuzistan, Southwestern Iran. More than one million people died in the Iran-Iraq war. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / June 1980: On the speaker’s stand on Imam Hossein Square in Tehran during a speech on the anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s going into exile, stands Ahmad Khomeini, his son. The three portraits show, from left to right: Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, Khomeini and Hussein Ali Montazeri. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / June 1980: On the speaker’s stand on Imam Hossein Square in Tehran during a speech on the anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s going into exile, stands Ahmad Khomeini, his son. The three portraits show, from left to right: Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, Khomeini and Hussein Ali Montazeri. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    TABAS / IRAN / 25.04.1980: Ayatollah Khalkhali walks near the remains of the US marines killed in the helicopter crash in the desert, close to the town of Tabas (about 900 km from of Tehran), after the debacle of the American helicopter raid “Eagle Claw”, aimed at rescuing the US hostages in Tehran. On 11 April 1980, about five months after the opening of the hostage crisis, US president Jimmy Carter assented to a secret military operation to rescue the hostages, despite the opposition of his secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, and in spite of the fears of the CIA of “heavy losses” among the hostages. Launched 24 April 1980, the raid was a total fiasco. Three of the eight helicopters were disabled in a send storm. A fourth collided with a troop transport plane, killing nine US marines. In the hasty departure ordered by Carter, their remains were left behind. It is their bodies that are seen here. Hasting to the site, Ayatollah Khalkhali (known as the “Hangman of the Revolution”), proceeded to conduct an inspection and took part in gathering up the bodies. On 25 April 1980, the White House announced that the raid had failed. Seen as a humiliation for the United States, the failure of the Tabas raid was greeted by the Iranian media as “the hand of God protecting us against the malevolence of the Great Satan”. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    TABAS / IRAN / 25.04.1980: Ayatollah Khalkhali walks near the remains of the US marines killed in the helicopter crash in the desert, close to the town of Tabas (about 900 km from of Tehran), after the debacle of the American helicopter raid “Eagle Claw”, aimed at rescuing the US hostages in Tehran. On 11 April 1980, about five months after the opening of the hostage crisis, US president Jimmy Carter assented to a secret military operation to rescue the hostages, despite the opposition of his secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, and in spite of the fears of the CIA of “heavy losses” among the hostages. Launched 24 April 1980, the raid was a total fiasco. Three of the eight helicopters were disabled in a send storm. A fourth collided with a troop transport plane, killing nine US marines. In the hasty departure ordered by Carter, their remains were left behind. It is their bodies that are seen here. Hasting to the site, Ayatollah Khalkhali (known as the “Hangman of the Revolution”), proceeded to conduct an inspection and took part in gathering up the bodies. On 25 April 1980, the White House announced that the raid had failed. Seen as a humiliation for the United States, the failure of the Tabas raid was greeted by the Iranian media as “the hand of God protecting us against the malevolence of the Great Satan”. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / March 1980: High school students in Tehran practice the manual of arms. Military training was part of the mobilization of the Iranian population. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / March 1980: High school students in Tehran practice the manual of arms. Military training was part of the mobilization of the Iranian population. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    TABRIZ / IRAN / 04.01.1980: Demonstrators for Ayatollah Shariat Madari tear up Khomeini’s portrait in Tabriz. Violent incidents between partisans of the two ayatollahs (Khomeini and Shariat Madari) broke out 4 January 1980 in Tabriz, the capital of Iranian Azerbaijan, Shariat Madari’s native region. They redoubled the intensity after the execution, 12 January, of 11 members of the Republican Party of the Muslim People, which invoked the name of Shariat Madari, who was under house arrest in Qom. An ayatollah that was politically moderate, Shariat Madari supported the revolutionary movement but soon diverged from the radical options coming into play. In 1982, he was stripped of his title of “grand ayatollah” and “model for believers”. He died in 1986. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    TABRIZ / IRAN / 04.01.1980: Demonstrators for Ayatollah Shariat Madari tear up Khomeini’s portrait in Tabriz. Violent incidents between partisans of the two ayatollahs (Khomeini and Shariat Madari) broke out 4 January 1980 in Tabriz, the capital of Iranian Azerbaijan, Shariat Madari’s native region. They redoubled the intensity after the execution, 12 January, of 11 members of the Republican Party of the Muslim People, which invoked the name of Shariat Madari, who was under house arrest in Qom. An ayatollah that was politically moderate, Shariat Madari supported the revolutionary movement but soon diverged from the radical options coming into play. In 1982, he was stripped of his title of “grand ayatollah” and “model for believers”. He died in 1986. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / 1980: A group of prisoners is executed in public in Jamshid district in Tehran, sentenced to death by Ayatollah Khalkhali. The construction on which they should be hung up fell down, so the prisoners were shot dead. After the outbreak of a major conflict between Khomeini and the People's Mujahedin of Iran (Mojahedin-e-Khalq), an Islamic-Marxist opposition group, the regime launched a mass offensive against oppositionists, and leftist political groups as a whole. Beaten, arrested, tortured and executed without any formalities: this was the fate which the regime reserved for its opponents. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    TEHRAN / IRAN / 1980: A group of prisoners is executed in public in Jamshid district in Tehran, sentenced to death by Ayatollah Khalkhali. The construction on which they should be hung up fell down, so the prisoners were shot dead. After the outbreak of a major conflict between Khomeini and the People's Mujahedin of Iran (Mojahedin-e-Khalq), an Islamic-Marxist opposition group, the regime launched a mass offensive against oppositionists, and leftist political groups as a whole. Beaten, arrested, tortured and executed without any formalities: this was the fate which the regime reserved for its opponents. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    QOM / IRAN / 28.11.1979: Demonstrators carry a picture of Ayatollah Khomeini through the streets of the holy city of Qom during the first Ashura after the Iranian revolution in 1979. Ashura is a Shia celebration commemorating the death of Imam Hossein, son of Ali, who was killed by the Kalif of Baghdad in Kerbela in 680 AD. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    QOM / IRAN / 28.11.1979: Demonstrators carry a picture of Ayatollah Khomeini through the streets of the holy city of Qom during the first Ashura after the Iranian revolution in 1979. Ashura is a Shia celebration commemorating the death of Imam Hossein, son of Ali, who was killed by the Kalif of Baghdad in Kerbela in 680 AD. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Facing reality
    Facing reality
    FARS / IRAN / 1978: Qashqai girls in Iran, 1978. The Qashqai are an ethnic group of nomadic pasroralists in Iran. They live mainly in the Fars region, particularly around the city of Shiraz. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati
    Facing reality
    FARS / IRAN / 1978: Qashqai girls in Iran, 1978. The Qashqai are an ethnic group of nomadic pasroralists in Iran. They live mainly in the Fars region, particularly around the city of Shiraz. -Manoocher Deghati
    Manoocher Deghati