Juvenile Suffering

98 result(s)

  • 2834


  • 2835


  • Russia
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Painting at the entrance of the corridor which leads to the cells of the juvenile detenees.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Painting at the entrance of the corridor which leads to the cells of the juvenile detenees.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • russia
    Industrial Penitentiary Camp, Kolpino, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Early morning roll call for all prisoners to be divided up for workshops; companies send in work, and the inmates do the jobs for 10 rubles (€0.25) a month.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Industrial Penitentiary Camp, Kolpino, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Early morning roll call for all prisoners to be divided up for workshops; companies send in work, and the inmates do the jobs for 10 rubles (€0.25) a month.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    The juveniles are locked up for 23 hours a day in medieval conditions, in the same cells as adults who impose a reign of terror. They have no proper supplies for food or hygiene, and no healthcare; aspirin is given to anyone suffering from TB or AIDS. They are victims of rackets and violence, have no visits from relatives as they are a long way from home, and quite often are held for periods well above the normal sentence for their offences.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    The juveniles are locked up for 23 hours a day in medieval conditions, in the same cells as adults who impose a reign of terror. They have no proper supplies for food or hygiene, and no healthcare; aspirin is given to anyone suffering from TB or AIDS. They are victims of rackets and violence, have no visits from relatives as they are a long way from home, and quite often are held for periods well above the normal sentence for their offences.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    The daily one-hour exercise period in these enclosed pie-section cages, under surveillance. Inmates practice boxing or do press-ups to get rid of pent-up tension.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    The daily one-hour exercise period in these enclosed pie-section cages, under surveillance. Inmates practice boxing or do press-ups to get rid of pent-up tension.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Custody center of LEBEDEVA / Minors headquarters
    Saint Petersbourg/ Russia
    Two children taking a walk in these closed cages…
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Custody center of LEBEDEVA / Minors headquarters
    Saint Petersbourg/ Russia
    Two children taking a walk in these closed cages…
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Industrial penal colony at KOLPINO/Minors headquarters
    Saint Petersbourg,/ Russia.
    The prisoners are in the yard : a few jokes and laughs before going to work in the workshops or going to classes where kids who were so far illeterate learn how to read.
    Only a few prisoners benefit from this opportunity because of a lack of resources. These classes are run thanks to the help of charity organizations and voluntary teachers.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Industrial penal colony at KOLPINO/Minors headquarters
    Saint Petersbourg,/ Russia.
    The prisoners are in the yard : a few jokes and laughs before going to work in the workshops or going to classes where kids who were so far illeterate learn how to read.
    Only a few prisoners benefit from this opportunity because of a lack of resources. These classes are run thanks to the help of charity organizations and voluntary teachers.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Yuri is in the workshop that sorts waste ferrous metals. According to the message on the wall, “each day of labor is a victory over yourself”. Yuri earns 10 rubles (€0.25) a month.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Yuri is in the workshop that sorts waste ferrous metals. According to the message on the wall, “each day of labor is a victory over yourself”. Yuri earns 10 rubles (€0.25) a month.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Industrial penal colony at KOLPINO/Minors headquarters
    Saint Petersbourg,/ Russia.
    Workshop for the sorting of iron waste. On the wall, an inscription says that a day of work is a victory on oneself… The kids are paid 10 rubles (around 38 cents) a month…
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Industrial penal colony at KOLPINO/Minors headquarters
    Saint Petersbourg,/ Russia.
    Workshop for the sorting of iron waste. On the wall, an inscription says that a day of work is a victory on oneself… The kids are paid 10 rubles (around 38 cents) a month…
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • 2844
    © Lizzie SADIN
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Industrial Penitentiary Camp, Kolpino, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    The hierarchy between prisoners is displayed on their hands: the dominators tattooed this mark on one of the dominated. Effective meal time in the refectory is only three minutes. The guard keeps his eye on his watch. He blows a whistle when the time is up, and the young inmates have to stop eating, even if they have not finished their meager portion. They leave holding their hands up in the air to prove they haven’t got any food on them. The meal is black bread and a boiled wheat porridge called “kasha”, and according to the World Health Organization, only covers 30% of their daily nutritional requirements.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Industrial Penitentiary Camp, Kolpino, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    The hierarchy between prisoners is displayed on their hands: the dominators tattooed this mark on one of the dominated. Effective meal time in the refectory is only three minutes. The guard keeps his eye on his watch. He blows a whistle when the time is up, and the young inmates have to stop eating, even if they have not finished their meager portion. They leave holding their hands up in the air to prove they haven’t got any food on them. The meal is black bread and a boiled wheat porridge called “kasha”, and according to the World Health Organization, only covers 30% of their daily nutritional requirements.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    These prisoners have even less freedom than the others; they are in quarantine, as indicated by the sign. They suffer from AIDS and/or tuberculosis; the only treatment they are given is aspirin.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    These prisoners have even less freedom than the others; they are in quarantine, as indicated by the sign. They suffer from AIDS and/or tuberculosis; the only treatment they are given is aspirin.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Dimitri (13) is bullied by the adults with him in the notorious cell number 90, cited by Amnesty International and the International Prison Observatory (OIP). It has a grim reputation for the treatment which tough prisoners inflict on juveniles: torture, rape, humiliation, and tattooing of anyone considered as inferior. There are six beds for the 24 inmates who take turns to sleep.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Dimitri (13) is bullied by the adults with him in the notorious cell number 90, cited by Amnesty International and the International Prison Observatory (OIP). It has a grim reputation for the treatment which tough prisoners inflict on juveniles: torture, rape, humiliation, and tattooing of anyone considered as inferior. There are six beds for the 24 inmates who take turns to sleep.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Sacha (17) has already been in jail. After serving his sentence, he was released in mid-winter, with literally just the shirt on his back; he had no job and no rehabilitation support; he was hungry and resorted to stealing, again. Recidivism is inevitable when there is neither rehabilitation nor social support.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Sacha (17) has already been in jail. After serving his sentence, he was released in mid-winter, with literally just the shirt on his back; he had no job and no rehabilitation support; he was hungry and resorted to stealing, again. Recidivism is inevitable when there is neither rehabilitation nor social support.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Industrial Penitentiary Camp, Kolpino, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    These prisoners, like ghosts, have returned from the refectory to their cells after the frugal meal gobbled down in three minutes.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Industrial Penitentiary Camp, Kolpino, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    These prisoners, like ghosts, have returned from the refectory to their cells after the frugal meal gobbled down in three minutes.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Russia
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Arrival of a new inmate. This photography is the very last one I took there. I was leaving the prison when I saw him entering in...
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Lebedeva Remand Center, Juvenile Block, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Arrival of a new inmate. This photography is the very last one I took there. I was leaving the prison when I saw him entering in...
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Brazil


  • Brazil
    Casa de Acolhimento ao Menor penitentiary center, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
    Inmates here are juveniles who have committed minor offences such as theft and drug-taking.Dormitory for inmates under sedation.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Casa de Acolhimento ao Menor penitentiary center, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
    Inmates here are juveniles who have committed minor offences such as theft and drug-taking.Dormitory for inmates under sedation.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Brazil
    Communidade de Atendimento Socio-educativo Prison, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
    A prison for juveniles who have committed serious offences. This boy has been placed in solitary confinement after getting into a fight in his cell. He will be kept there, in the dark, for two days, or even more if the guards consider he has not “calmed down”. There are often reports of minors being subjected to brutal treatment by guards.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Communidade de Atendimento Socio-educativo Prison, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
    A prison for juveniles who have committed serious offences. This boy has been placed in solitary confinement after getting into a fight in his cell. He will be kept there, in the dark, for two days, or even more if the guards consider he has not “calmed down”. There are often reports of minors being subjected to brutal treatment by guards.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Brazil
    CAM penitentiary centre in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
    This boy is screaming his suffering in his cell.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    CAM penitentiary centre in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
    This boy is screaming his suffering in his cell.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Brazil
    Casa de Acolhimento ao Menor penitentiary center, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
    Recreation in the yard: one hour a day when inmates can relax, play football and do capoeira and acrobatic exercises.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Casa de Acolhimento ao Menor penitentiary center, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
    Recreation in the yard: one hour a day when inmates can relax, play football and do capoeira and acrobatic exercises.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Brazil
    Instituto Padre Severino, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, juvenile section
    Meal time lasts ten minutes, in total silence and with heads down in this prison which has a sad reputation for treatment inflicted on juveniles by guards who certainly look threatening.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Instituto Padre Severino, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, juvenile section
    Meal time lasts ten minutes, in total silence and with heads down in this prison which has a sad reputation for treatment inflicted on juveniles by guards who certainly look threatening.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Brazil
    Instituto Padre Severino, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, juvenile section
    After the meal (ten minutes in silence, with heads down), inmates return to their cells, also in silence and still with their heads down. The prison has a sad reputation for treatment inflicted on juveniles by the guards who certainly look threatening.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Instituto Padre Severino, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, juvenile section
    After the meal (ten minutes in silence, with heads down), inmates return to their cells, also in silence and still with their heads down. The prison has a sad reputation for treatment inflicted on juveniles by the guards who certainly look threatening.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • cambodia


  • cambodia
    Kampong Cham Prison, Cambodia.
    The prison houses 380 adults and 30 juveniles. Cambodia has no juvenile justice system, so the same conditions apply to both adults and minors, for verdicts, sentences and imprisonment. Offences are often cases of theft, stealing (taking rice growing in a paddy-field, a rooster or a motorbike), or cases of fighting, assault and rape. Here they are lining up before returning to their cells after an hour’s break for sport.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Kampong Cham Prison, Cambodia.
    The prison houses 380 adults and 30 juveniles. Cambodia has no juvenile justice system, so the same conditions apply to both adults and minors, for verdicts, sentences and imprisonment. Offences are often cases of theft, stealing (taking rice growing in a paddy-field, a rooster or a motorbike), or cases of fighting, assault and rape. Here they are lining up before returning to their cells after an hour’s break for sport.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • cambodia
    Kampong Cham Prison, Cambodia.
    Meal time. There are 25 inmates in this tiny cell; one is in charge of distributing the rations. Every day it is the same menu: rice, rice and rice yet again.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Kampong Cham Prison, Cambodia.
    Meal time. There are 25 inmates in this tiny cell; one is in charge of distributing the rations. Every day it is the same menu: rice, rice and rice yet again.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • cambodia
    Kampong Cham Prison, Cambodia.
    Time to wash themselves and their clothes, under surveillance from both watchtowers and turkeys deputizing as guards to give the alert if anyone tries to escape.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Kampong Cham Prison, Cambodia.
    Time to wash themselves and their clothes, under surveillance from both watchtowers and turkeys deputizing as guards to give the alert if anyone tries to escape.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • cambodia
    Battambang Prison, Cambodia.
    500 adults and 30 teenagers are together in the same cells. They are locked in except for one hour a day during the wet season and two hours a day the rest of the year. During their free time, some grow vegetables to add to their meals comprised of rice only.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Battambang Prison, Cambodia.
    500 adults and 30 teenagers are together in the same cells. They are locked in except for one hour a day during the wet season and two hours a day the rest of the year. During their free time, some grow vegetables to add to their meals comprised of rice only.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • cambodia
    Enclosed juvenile rehabilitation center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
    In the cells, the juveniles sleep on wooden bunks with no mattresses. They are between 7 and 18 years old, and are brought in by the police for petty offenses such as stealing rice in the paddy-field or drug-taking. They are held as a disciplinary measure and will not be given a court hearing.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Enclosed juvenile rehabilitation center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
    In the cells, the juveniles sleep on wooden bunks with no mattresses. They are between 7 and 18 years old, and are brought in by the police for petty offenses such as stealing rice in the paddy-field or drug-taking. They are held as a disciplinary measure and will not be given a court hearing.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • France


  • France
    Center for juvenile offenders, Fleury-Mérogis, France
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Center for juvenile offenders, Fleury-Mérogis, France
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • France
    Center for juvenile offenders, Fleury-Mérogis, France.
    During the exercise period in the yard, an offender tries to talk to a fellow inmate inside his cell.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Center for juvenile offenders, Fleury-Mérogis, France.
    During the exercise period in the yard, an offender tries to talk to a fellow inmate inside his cell.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • France
    Center for juvenile offenders, Fleury-Mérogis. An inmate in his cell.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Center for juvenile offenders, Fleury-Mérogis. An inmate in his cell.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • France
    Center for juvenile offenders, Fleury-Mérogis, France
    The inmates are going out to the yard for one hour twice a day.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Center for juvenile offenders, Fleury-Mérogis, France
    The inmates are going out to the yard for one hour twice a day.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Colombia


  • Colombia
    Remand center for juveniles, Bogotá, Colombia.
    The offenders are brought in by the police section in charge of juveniles, and are later heard by judges who rule on each case, either returning them to their families, releasing them on parole or placing them in enclosed or semi-enclosed centers.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Remand center for juveniles, Bogotá, Colombia.
    The offenders are brought in by the police section in charge of juveniles, and are later heard by judges who rule on each case, either returning them to their families, releasing them on parole or placing them in enclosed or semi-enclosed centers.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Colombia
    Remand center for juveniles, Bogotá, Colombia.
    Distributing toilet paper and floor cloths; the inmates push the cloth around with their feet to clean the floor. They can be held for observation for a number of days, and are then given a hearing by a judge.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Remand center for juveniles, Bogotá, Colombia.
    Distributing toilet paper and floor cloths; the inmates push the cloth around with their feet to clean the floor. They can be held for observation for a number of days, and are then given a hearing by a judge.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Colombia
    Work Center, El Redentor, Bogotá, Colombia.
    Every morning, the inmates walk round and round in circles, with a floor cloth under each foot, cleaning the floor.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Work Center, El Redentor, Bogotá, Colombia.
    Every morning, the inmates walk round and round in circles, with a floor cloth under each foot, cleaning the floor.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Colombia
    Luis Amigo Guidance Center, Cajica, Colombia. Meal time in this semi-enclosed center where juvenile offenders, often as young as the boy seen here, have a social support program. Instead of having punitive sentences, they are given educational objectives, learning to read and write, and having courses in carpentry or mechanics. They are offered real prospects for rehabilitation.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Luis Amigo Guidance Center, Cajica, Colombia. Meal time in this semi-enclosed center where juvenile offenders, often as young as the boy seen here, have a social support program. Instead of having punitive sentences, they are given educational objectives, learning to read and write, and having courses in carpentry or mechanics. They are offered real prospects for rehabilitation.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Colombia
    Luis Amigo Guidance Center, Cajica, Colombia.
    This semi-enclosed center where juvenile offenders, often as young as the boy seen here, have a social support program. Instead of having punitive sentences, they are given educational objectives, learning to read and write, and having courses in carpentry or mechanics. They are offered real prospects for rehabilitation.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Luis Amigo Guidance Center, Cajica, Colombia.
    This semi-enclosed center where juvenile offenders, often as young as the boy seen here, have a social support program. Instead of having punitive sentences, they are given educational objectives, learning to read and write, and having courses in carpentry or mechanics. They are offered real prospects for rehabilitation.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Colombia
    “El Puente”, Bogotá, Colombia.
    In this semi-enclosed center for children referred by “family advocates”, Carlos, aged 8, is seen cutting an iron bar in the metal-working workshop.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    “El Puente”, Bogotá, Colombia.
    In this semi-enclosed center for children referred by “family advocates”, Carlos, aged 8, is seen cutting an iron bar in the metal-working workshop.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • 2876


  • Israel
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Soldiers waiting for the armored van which, on this particular day, brought in fourteen Palestinians from the Russian Compound which is the military interrogation center in Jerusalem. Prisoners are usually tried in military courts, after an investigation and after making confessions. They are then placed in cells in the high security wing for juveniles, both Palestinian and Arab Israeli, who have posed a threat to the security of the State of Israel.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Soldiers waiting for the armored van which, on this particular day, brought in fourteen Palestinians from the Russian Compound which is the military interrogation center in Jerusalem. Prisoners are usually tried in military courts, after an investigation and after making confessions. They are then placed in cells in the high security wing for juveniles, both Palestinian and Arab Israeli, who have posed a threat to the security of the State of Israel.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Israel
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Shackled hand and foot, fourteen Palestinians in an armored van arriving from the Russian Compound. Prisoners are usually tried in military courts, after an investigation and after making confessions, and then placed in cells in the high security wing for Palestinian and Arab Israeli juveniles who have posed a threat to the security of the State of Israel.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Shackled hand and foot, fourteen Palestinians in an armored van arriving from the Russian Compound. Prisoners are usually tried in military courts, after an investigation and after making confessions, and then placed in cells in the high security wing for Palestinian and Arab Israeli juveniles who have posed a threat to the security of the State of Israel.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Israel
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Shackled hand and foot, fourteen Palestinians in an armored van arriving from the Russian Compound, the military interrogation center in Jerusalem. Soldiers then took them away again for further questioning, before being sent to their cell in the high security wing for Palestinian and Arab Israeli juveniles who have posed a threat to the security of the State of Israel.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Shackled hand and foot, fourteen Palestinians in an armored van arriving from the Russian Compound, the military interrogation center in Jerusalem. Soldiers then took them away again for further questioning, before being sent to their cell in the high security wing for Palestinian and Arab Israeli juveniles who have posed a threat to the security of the State of Israel.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Israel
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Shackled hand and foot, fourteen Palestinians in an armored van arriving from the Russian Compound. Prisoners are usually tried in military courts, after an investigation and after making confessions, and then placed in cells in the high security wing for Palestinian and Arab Israeli juveniles who have posed a threat to the security of the State of Israel.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Shackled hand and foot, fourteen Palestinians in an armored van arriving from the Russian Compound. Prisoners are usually tried in military courts, after an investigation and after making confessions, and then placed in cells in the high security wing for Palestinian and Arab Israeli juveniles who have posed a threat to the security of the State of Israel.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Israel
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    The high security wing for Palestinian and Arab Israeli juveniles who are considered a threat to the State of Israel. The 81 inmates aged between 14 and 18, including some with sentences of 20 to 25 years, are housed in 27 different cells.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    The high security wing for Palestinian and Arab Israeli juveniles who are considered a threat to the State of Israel. The 81 inmates aged between 14 and 18, including some with sentences of 20 to 25 years, are housed in 27 different cells.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Israel
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Family visits are very important moments for these juveniles, but as Palestinians cannot enter Israel unless they hold one of the very few authorizations granted, it is difficult for them to have these visits that are usually organized by the Red Cross and lawyers. Some of the prisoners are therefore effectively deprived of family contact.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Telmond Prison, Juvenile Section, Ha Sharon, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Family visits are very important moments for these juveniles, but as Palestinians cannot enter Israel unless they hold one of the very few authorizations granted, it is difficult for them to have these visits that are usually organized by the Red Cross and lawyers. Some of the prisoners are therefore effectively deprived of family contact.
    © Lizzie SADIN


  • Israel
    Juvenile Rehabilitation Center, Dar el Amar, Ramallah, West Bank.
    The day for these young people here is comprised of prayers (five times a day), schooling, hairdressing workshops and breaks for relaxation and sport.
    © Lizzie SADIN
    Juvenile Rehabilitation Center, Dar el Amar, Ramallah, West Bank.
    The day for these young people here is comprised of prayers (five times a day), schooling, hairdressing workshops and breaks for relaxation and sport.
    © Lizzie SADIN