Votre recherche : images

116 résultat(s)

  • Douanes

    A l’image de ces 2 grammes d’héroïne et 10 gr de cannabis saisis en gare de Cerbère, la banalisation des consommations, sa croissance pose la question de l’augmentation des effectifs afin de répondre à la hausse du trafic ou celle de la dépénalisation…

    Les Douanes Française en Frontière dans les P.O. Gare de Cerbère et Héroïnomane, Drogues
    © Jc Milhet

    A l’image de ces 2 grammes d’héroïne et 10 gr de cannabis saisis en gare de Cerbère, la banalisation des consommations, sa croissance pose la question de l’augmentation des effectifs afin de répondre à la hausse du trafic ou celle de la dépénalisation…

    Les Douanes Française en Frontière dans les P.O. Gare de Cerbère et Héroïnomane, Drogues
    © Jc Milhet


  • Douanes

    A l’image de ces 2 grammes d’héroïne et 10 gr de cannabis saisis en gare de Cerbère, la banalisation des consommations, sa croissance pose la question de l’augmentation des effectifs afin de répondre à la hausse du trafic ou celle de la dépénalisation…

    Les Douanes Française en Frontière dans les P.O. Gare de Cerbère et Héroïnomane, Drogues
    © Jc Milhet

    A l’image de ces 2 grammes d’héroïne et 10 gr de cannabis saisis en gare de Cerbère, la banalisation des consommations, sa croissance pose la question de l’augmentation des effectifs afin de répondre à la hausse du trafic ou celle de la dépénalisation…

    Les Douanes Française en Frontière dans les P.O. Gare de Cerbère et Héroïnomane, Drogues
    © Jc Milhet


  • Douanes

    A l’image de ces 2 grammes d’héroïne et 10 gr de cannabis saisis en gare de Cerbère, la banalisation des consommations, sa croissance pose la question de l’augmentation des effectifs afin de répondre à la hausse du trafic ou celle de la dépénalisation…

    Les Douanes Française en Frontière dans les P.O. Gare de Cerbère et Héroïnomane, Drogues
    © Jc Milhet

    A l’image de ces 2 grammes d’héroïne et 10 gr de cannabis saisis en gare de Cerbère, la banalisation des consommations, sa croissance pose la question de l’augmentation des effectifs afin de répondre à la hausse du trafic ou celle de la dépénalisation…

    Les Douanes Française en Frontière dans les P.O. Gare de Cerbère et Héroïnomane, Drogues
    © Jc Milhet


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Iraqi Kurdish refugees in the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq. 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Iraqi Kurdish refugees in the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq. 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    100 Kurds from all over Iraqi Kurdistan, protest outside the U.N. headquarters in Dohuk. They felt that the U.N was not protecting them from Sadam Hussein's forces.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    100 Kurds from all over Iraqi Kurdistan, protest outside the U.N. headquarters in Dohuk. They felt that the U.N was not protecting them from Sadam Hussein's forces.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Following the Gulf War, thousands of portraits of Saddam Hussein have been replaced by those of Kurdish heros like Barzani. Zakho, Iraq.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Following the Gulf War, thousands of portraits of Saddam Hussein have been replaced by those of Kurdish heros like Barzani. Zakho, Iraq.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A schoolyard in Diyarbakir,Turkey.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A schoolyard in Diyarbakir,Turkey.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Between auditions, model Gloria Barnes passes images of youthful beauty. Gloria, who became a model in her sixties, has appeared in such publications as Vogue, Glamour, and Marie Claire. In the past, older models were relegated to shoots for pharmaceuticals and retirement communities; today, they are used for fashion and glamour. (New York City, 1998)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Between auditions, model Gloria Barnes passes images of youthful beauty. Gloria, who became a model in her sixties, has appeared in such publications as Vogue, Glamour, and Marie Claire. In the past, older models were relegated to shoots for pharmaceuticals and retirement communities; today, they are used for fashion and glamour. (New York City, 1998)


  • Eclats de guerre
    Eclats de guerre
    A la fois constat et témoignage, ce livre ne démontre pas, il montre. Et ce qu'il montre, c'est le drame humain de la dernière guerre du XXe siècle : des miettes, des bribes, des éclats d'humanité déchirée, meurtrie, qu'aucune revendication nationale ou religieuse ne peut justifier. Vukovar, Mostar, Sarajevo sont autant de noms devenus symboles de l'inacceptable.

    Alexandra Boulot a suivi le conflit yougoslave du tout premier assaut sur la Slovénie à l'entrée des troupes de l'OTAN au Kosovo. Avec un talent qui lui a valu l'admiration de ses pairs comme celle du grand public, elle n'accuse ni ne stigmatise, elle en appelle à nos consciences.

    « Il faut aller au bout de ses images, écrit Bernard-Henri Lévy dans sa préface. Parce qu'elles sont la vérité de cette guerre. Et parce que les regarder en face, c'est comme réouvrir le livre du crime. Nous le devons aux morts. Nous le devons aux survivants. »

    Photographe de réputation mondiale, Alexandra Boulot a été récompensée par de nombreux prix, dont l'Infinity du Centre international de la photographie de New York, le Visa d'or du Festival international de la photographie de Perpignan et le prix Paris-Match.
    Alexandra Boulat / VII
    Eclats de guerre
    A la fois constat et témoignage, ce livre ne démontre pas, il montre. Et ce qu'il montre, c'est le drame humain de la dernière guerre du XXe siècle : des miettes, des bribes, des éclats d'humanité déchirée, meurtrie, qu'aucune revendication nationale ou religieuse ne peut justifier. Vukovar, Mostar, Sarajevo sont autant de noms devenus symboles de l'inacceptable.

    Alexandra Boulot a suivi le conflit yougoslave du tout premier assaut sur la Slovénie à l'entrée des troupes de l'OTAN au Kosovo. Avec un talent qui lui a valu l'admiration de ses pairs comme celle du grand public, elle n'accuse ni ne stigmatise, elle en appelle à nos consciences.

    « Il faut aller au bout de ses images, écrit Bernard-Henri Lévy dans sa préface. Parce qu'elles sont la vérité de cette guerre. Et parce que les regarder en face, c'est comme réouvrir le livre du crime. Nous le devons aux morts. Nous le devons aux survivants. »

    Photographe de réputation mondiale, Alexandra Boulot a été récompensée par de nombreux prix, dont l'Infinity du Centre international de la photographie de New York, le Visa d'or du Festival international de la photographie de Perpignan et le prix Paris-Match.
    Alexandra Boulat / VII


  • Pastorale africaine
    Pastorale africaine
    D'addis-Abeda, il faut compter trois jours de 4x4. D'abord la route, puis les pistes, de plus en plus difficiles, les chemins défoncés, où l'on s'embourbe à la saison des pluies. Bientôt, les véhicules ne passent plus. On continue à pied; Ce périple entre 2002 et 2014, je l'ai accompli à trente-trois reprises, à la rencontre des tribus de la vallée de l'Omo, afin de rester dans leur territoire, chaque fois, trois ou quatre semaines. J'ai voulu recueillir les images de ces peuples mal connus qui perpétuent leurs traditions millénaires au plus près de la nature, protégés pendant quelques temps encore par le mauvais état des voies d'accès alors même que la construction de nouvelles pistes les rapproche de la civilisation. Au fil de mes voyages, je me suis enfoncé de plus en plus loin du fleuve, sur ses affluents reculés, au Sud de l'Ethiopie, à la découverte de l'ethnie des Suri, qu'on appelle aussi Surma, éleveurs semi-nomades . Mes cheveux blancs m'ont permis de m'adresser aux anciens de la tribu, qui m'ont écouté, jaugé, et ont admis ma présence.
    Mis en confiance, les Suri en sont venus à m'accepter comme un familier. Ainsi ai-je pu photographier au quotidien la vie des garçons du clan, gardiens du troupeau dès leur plus jeune âge. Au fil des ans, je les ai vus grandir au milieu des bovins. Ils se sont habitués à moi, ils m'ont fait un bon accueil.
    Mes photos, que j'ai montré sur l'écran de mon appareil numérique, n'intéressent pas le moins du monde les Suri, mais, pour les prendre, j'ai toujours dû payer et recueillir trois autorisations: celle du propriétaire du troupeau, celle de l'adulte responsable et celle de l'enfant lui même.
    Pastorale africaine
    D'addis-Abeda, il faut compter trois jours de 4x4. D'abord la route, puis les pistes, de plus en plus difficiles, les chemins défoncés, où l'on s'embourbe à la saison des pluies. Bientôt, les véhicules ne passent plus. On continue à pied; Ce périple entre 2002 et 2014, je l'ai accompli à trente-trois reprises, à la rencontre des tribus de la vallée de l'Omo, afin de rester dans leur territoire, chaque fois, trois ou quatre semaines. J'ai voulu recueillir les images de ces peuples mal connus qui perpétuent leurs traditions millénaires au plus près de la nature, protégés pendant quelques temps encore par le mauvais état des voies d'accès alors même que la construction de nouvelles pistes les rapproche de la civilisation. Au fil de mes voyages, je me suis enfoncé de plus en plus loin du fleuve, sur ses affluents reculés, au Sud de l'Ethiopie, à la découverte de l'ethnie des Suri, qu'on appelle aussi Surma, éleveurs semi-nomades . Mes cheveux blancs m'ont permis de m'adresser aux anciens de la tribu, qui m'ont écouté, jaugé, et ont admis ma présence.
    Mis en confiance, les Suri en sont venus à m'accepter comme un familier. Ainsi ai-je pu photographier au quotidien la vie des garçons du clan, gardiens du troupeau dès leur plus jeune âge. Au fil des ans, je les ai vus grandir au milieu des bovins. Ils se sont habitués à moi, ils m'ont fait un bon accueil.
    Mes photos, que j'ai montré sur l'écran de mon appareil numérique, n'intéressent pas le moins du monde les Suri, mais, pour les prendre, j'ai toujours dû payer et recueillir trois autorisations: celle du propriétaire du troupeau, celle de l'adulte responsable et celle de l'enfant lui même.


  • Crise humanitaire en Centrafrique
    Crise humanitaire en Centrafrique
    Des miliciens anti-balaka se cachent dans la brousse près de Bangui la veille d’une attaque majeure sur la ville. Les violences des jours suivants feront près d’un millier de morts et plus de 160 000 déplacés
    William Daniels
    Crise humanitaire en Centrafrique
    Des miliciens anti-balaka se cachent dans la brousse près de Bangui la veille d’une attaque majeure sur la ville. Les violences des jours suivants feront près d’un millier de morts et plus de 160 000 déplacés
    William Daniels


  • Mes années Life
    Mes années Life
    by Pierre Boulat

    Photographs: Piere Boulat

    Text: Jacques Brunel

    Publisher: selfpublished

    134 pages

    Pictures: 121 black/white and colour illustrations
    Year: 1992

    Comments: first edition; softcover; French; 32,5 x 22,5 cm

    This book shows Pierre Boulat's work for the LIFE Magazine from 1957 to the closure of the magazine in 1973.
    Mes années Life
    by Pierre Boulat

    Photographs: Piere Boulat

    Text: Jacques Brunel

    Publisher: selfpublished

    134 pages

    Pictures: 121 black/white and colour illustrations
    Year: 1992

    Comments: first edition; softcover; French; 32,5 x 22,5 cm

    This book shows Pierre Boulat's work for the LIFE Magazine from 1957 to the closure of the magazine in 1973.


  • MN - Transphere
    MN - Transphere

    Edyta Bauman, candidate à la deuxième édition du concours de beauté Miss Beauté Trans Pologne à Varsovie, Pologne, 2 Juin 2012. Les candidats étaient des personnes transexuelles, transgenre et travesties.

    Self-présentation: Je m'appelle Edyta. Je viens de Pozna. Je ne suis pas difficile - Btout le monde est le bienvenu! Vous pouvez prendre mon numéro tout à l'heure

    Jury: Edyta, Si tu devais choisir entre des baskets, des talons hauts et des bottes de pluie, que choisirais- tu?

    Edyta: Les talons hauts sans hésiter. Ils sont sexy et je me sent bien dedans. Definitely high heels.
    © Maciek Nabrdalik / VII
    MN - Transphere

    Edyta Bauman, candidate à la deuxième édition du concours de beauté Miss Beauté Trans Pologne à Varsovie, Pologne, 2 Juin 2012. Les candidats étaient des personnes transexuelles, transgenre et travesties.

    Self-présentation: Je m'appelle Edyta. Je viens de Pozna. Je ne suis pas difficile - Btout le monde est le bienvenu! Vous pouvez prendre mon numéro tout à l'heure

    Jury: Edyta, Si tu devais choisir entre des baskets, des talons hauts et des bottes de pluie, que choisirais- tu?

    Edyta: Les talons hauts sans hésiter. Ils sont sexy et je me sent bien dedans. Definitely high heels.
    © Maciek Nabrdalik / VII
    Mandatory Credit: Maciek Nabrdalik/VII


  • Derrière le rideau synopsis
    Derrière le rideau synopsis
    Léninisme de marché / Vietnam
    Bien que des millions de Vietnamiens se soient battus sous le drapeau communiste pendant plusieurs décennies de guerre, y laissant souvent leur vie, le pays a vite abandonné les principes économiques marxistes et l’économie centrale planifiée. En 1986, onze ans après la victoire communiste, les réformes « Doi Moi » ont mis fin à la collectivisation et établi l’économie de marché dans le pays. Aujourd’hui, une grande partie de la piste Hô Chi Minh a été convertie en autoroute ; des villes hier lourdement bombardées par les forces américaines sont maintenant équipées de centres commerciaux et de fast-foods KFC. Même le Parti communiste a changé : les nouveaux membres des sections « jeunesse » n’adhèrent pas tant par motivation idéologique que pour faire du réseau.
    Tomas Van Houtryve / VII Mentor
    Derrière le rideau synopsis
    Léninisme de marché / Vietnam
    Bien que des millions de Vietnamiens se soient battus sous le drapeau communiste pendant plusieurs décennies de guerre, y laissant souvent leur vie, le pays a vite abandonné les principes économiques marxistes et l’économie centrale planifiée. En 1986, onze ans après la victoire communiste, les réformes « Doi Moi » ont mis fin à la collectivisation et établi l’économie de marché dans le pays. Aujourd’hui, une grande partie de la piste Hô Chi Minh a été convertie en autoroute ; des villes hier lourdement bombardées par les forces américaines sont maintenant équipées de centres commerciaux et de fast-foods KFC. Même le Parti communiste a changé : les nouveaux membres des sections « jeunesse » n’adhèrent pas tant par motivation idéologique que pour faire du réseau.
    Tomas Van Houtryve / VII Mentor
    51.7 MB file from RAW (DNG) Leica M9 (firmware 1.002)


  • Ground
    Kerem Shalom terminal, Israel, December 30, 2008. On the second day from operation ‘Cast Lead’, an Israeli military photographer makes propaganda images to try and convince the world’s opinion that Israel ‘cares’ about the humanitarian situation of Gaza by letting a WFP food convoy goods through to Gaza.
    © Bruno Stevens / Cosmos
    Kerem Shalom terminal, Israel, December 30, 2008. On the second day from operation ‘Cast Lead’, an Israeli military photographer makes propaganda images to try and convince the world’s opinion that Israel ‘cares’ about the humanitarian situation of Gaza by letting a WFP food convoy goods through to Gaza.
    © Bruno Stevens / Cosmos


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War in Iraq on July 8, 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War in Iraq on July 8, 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Diyarbakir is the unofficial capital of Turkish Kurdistan; more than 90 percent of its one million residents are Kurdish, which makes it the largest Kurdish city in the world.

    Diyarbakir, Turkey 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Diyarbakir is the unofficial capital of Turkish Kurdistan; more than 90 percent of its one million residents are Kurdish, which makes it the largest Kurdish city in the world.

    Diyarbakir, Turkey 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Throughout Iraqi Kurdistan, students are finally studying Kurdish history, which was forbidden under Iraqi rule. It is the only place in Kurdistan where classes are held in Kurdish. Without the money to print their own text books, students are forced to make do with what the Iraqis left behind, sometimes filling up notebooks and erasing them to be used. These students are in a classroom of a bombed out school in Penjwin, Iraq, near the border with Iran.

    Iraq 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Throughout Iraqi Kurdistan, students are finally studying Kurdish history, which was forbidden under Iraqi rule. It is the only place in Kurdistan where classes are held in Kurdish. Without the money to print their own text books, students are forced to make do with what the Iraqis left behind, sometimes filling up notebooks and erasing them to be used. These students are in a classroom of a bombed out school in Penjwin, Iraq, near the border with Iran.

    Iraq 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish Family Around a Fire December 1991 Penjwin, Iraq

    Having fled their war-torn home near Kirkuk, Iraq, a Kurdish family battles the elements in the ruins of Penjwin, Iraq on the border of Iran.

    Iraqi Kurds returned to their homes and the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq, after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish Family Around a Fire December 1991 Penjwin, Iraq

    Having fled their war-torn home near Kirkuk, Iraq, a Kurdish family battles the elements in the ruins of Penjwin, Iraq on the border of Iran.

    Iraqi Kurds returned to their homes and the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq, after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish People's Court July 1991 Zakho, Iraq
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish People's Court July 1991 Zakho, Iraq
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Lives hang in the balance in what is left of Qala Diza. The Iraqi army destroyed this city of over 100,000 residents in the 1980's but after the Gulf War in 1991, it's Kurdish residents were able to return and start to rebuild their lives and homes. Iraq 1991

    The Iraqi government has imposed a strict blockade of food and fuel to the region known as Free Kurdistan, where families struggle to rebuild amid the wreckage.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Lives hang in the balance in what is left of Qala Diza. The Iraqi army destroyed this city of over 100,000 residents in the 1980's but after the Gulf War in 1991, it's Kurdish residents were able to return and start to rebuild their lives and homes. Iraq 1991

    The Iraqi government has imposed a strict blockade of food and fuel to the region known as Free Kurdistan, where families struggle to rebuild amid the wreckage.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War in Iraq on July 8, 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War in Iraq on July 8, 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Diyarbakir, Turkey. Worshippers in main mosque of city. Friday prayers.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Diyarbakir, Turkey. Worshippers in main mosque of city. Friday prayers.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Celebrants of a Kurdish wedding in Turkey.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Celebrants of a Kurdish wedding in Turkey.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Supporters of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) listen to an imam lecture. September 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Supporters of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) listen to an imam lecture. September 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A dying Kurdish soldier lays on his back with his amputated leg elevated while his cheek is cleaned by a fellow soldier in Zakho, Iraq on July 15, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A dying Kurdish soldier lays on his back with his amputated leg elevated while his cheek is cleaned by a fellow soldier in Zakho, Iraq on July 15, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A Kurdish man smoking on the streets of Zahko, Iraq on May 1, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A Kurdish man smoking on the streets of Zahko, Iraq on May 1, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Un enfant joue devant un mur où sont représentés Marx, Engels et le commandant suprême des maoïstes, le camarade Prachanda. La fresque a été abîmée par les soldats de l’armée royale.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Un enfant joue devant un mur où sont représentés Marx, Engels et le commandant suprême des maoïstes, le camarade Prachanda. La fresque a été abîmée par les soldats de l’armée royale.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    59MB Nikon LS-4000 scan from Fujifilm original transparency shot with Leica M6


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    The Yemesli refugee camp in Iraq was set up for displaced Iraqi Kurds after the Gulf War of 1991. It became home to 60,000 Kurdish refugees for months after the war but does not exist anymore. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    The Yemesli refugee camp in Iraq was set up for displaced Iraqi Kurds after the Gulf War of 1991. It became home to 60,000 Kurdish refugees for months after the war but does not exist anymore. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    In Dohuk, Iraq, an early morning gas line. Some individuals waited as long as 5 days. After the Gulf War in 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    In Dohuk, Iraq, an early morning gas line. Some individuals waited as long as 5 days. After the Gulf War in 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A scenic view of Kurdish shepherds in northern Iraq. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A scenic view of Kurdish shepherds in northern Iraq. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Iraqi Kurds returned to their homes and the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq, after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Iraqi Kurds returned to their homes and the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq, after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Iraqi Kurds returned to their homes and the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq, after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Iraqi Kurds returned to their homes and the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq, after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Throughout Iraqi Kurdistan, students are finally studying Kurdish history, which was forbidden under Iraqi rule. It is the only place in Kurdistan where classes are held in Kurdish. Without the money to print their own text books, students are forced to make do with what the Iraqis left behind, sometimes filling up notebooks and erasing them to be used. These students are in a classroom of a bombed out school in Penjwin, Iraq, near the border with Iran.

    Iraq 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Throughout Iraqi Kurdistan, students are finally studying Kurdish history, which was forbidden under Iraqi rule. It is the only place in Kurdistan where classes are held in Kurdish. Without the money to print their own text books, students are forced to make do with what the Iraqis left behind, sometimes filling up notebooks and erasing them to be used. These students are in a classroom of a bombed out school in Penjwin, Iraq, near the border with Iran.

    Iraq 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Nomadic Kurds subsist on milk, yogurt, and other sheep products, which they also sell in the markets of nearby villages. Erzurum, Turkey 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Nomadic Kurds subsist on milk, yogurt, and other sheep products, which they also sell in the markets of nearby villages. Erzurum, Turkey 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish children in an early morning scene among the back alleys of the ancient city of Diyarbakir.
    Diyarbakir, Turkey. 1991

    During its 3,000 year history, the ancient Kurdish city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, with its warrens of cobblestone alleyways, has acquired a distinct timelessness. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish children in an early morning scene among the back alleys of the ancient city of Diyarbakir.
    Diyarbakir, Turkey. 1991

    During its 3,000 year history, the ancient Kurdish city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, with its warrens of cobblestone alleyways, has acquired a distinct timelessness. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Sifting grain on a Diyarbakir rooftop, with smoke shrouded district of Ali Pasha in the background. Turkey 1991

    A Kurdish woman spreads wheat for drying on her rooftop in the city of Diyarbakir, Turkey.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Sifting grain on a Diyarbakir rooftop, with smoke shrouded district of Ali Pasha in the background. Turkey 1991

    A Kurdish woman spreads wheat for drying on her rooftop in the city of Diyarbakir, Turkey.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Homemade tomato sauce thickens on a rooftop in Diyarbakir, Turkey. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Homemade tomato sauce thickens on a rooftop in Diyarbakir, Turkey. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    The PKK guerilla are unique among Kurdish guerilla groups because of their progressive attitude toward education and their inclusion of women as fighters. Bekaa Valley, Lebanon 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    The PKK guerilla are unique among Kurdish guerilla groups because of their progressive attitude toward education and their inclusion of women as fighters. Bekaa Valley, Lebanon 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    For eight hours each day, PKK guerillas study Kurdish history and socialist ideology in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    For eight hours each day, PKK guerillas study Kurdish history and socialist ideology in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A Kurdish supporter recites poetry at the PKK's annual rally in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A Kurdish supporter recites poetry at the PKK's annual rally in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    This young Kurdish girl scavenges for wheat that the farmer's harvester missed in Birsivi, Turkey on Nov. 11, 1991. These refugees have been given special permission to do this.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    This young Kurdish girl scavenges for wheat that the farmer's harvester missed in Birsivi, Turkey on Nov. 11, 1991. These refugees have been given special permission to do this.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Lives hang in the balance in what is left of Qala Diza. The Iraqi army destroyed this city of over 100,000 residents in the 1980's but after the Gulf War in 1991, it's Kurdish residents were able to return and start to rebuild their lives and homes. Iraq 1991

    The Iraqi government has imposed a strict blockade of food and fuel to the region known as Free Kurdistan, where families struggle to rebuild amid the wreckage.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Lives hang in the balance in what is left of Qala Diza. The Iraqi army destroyed this city of over 100,000 residents in the 1980's but after the Gulf War in 1991, it's Kurdish residents were able to return and start to rebuild their lives and homes. Iraq 1991

    The Iraqi government has imposed a strict blockade of food and fuel to the region known as Free Kurdistan, where families struggle to rebuild amid the wreckage.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Massoud Barzani (left in red keffiyeh) of the KDP or Kurdish Democratic Party talks with Jalal Talabani of the PUK or Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and other Kurdish officials in northern Iraq after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Massoud Barzani (left in red keffiyeh) of the KDP or Kurdish Democratic Party talks with Jalal Talabani of the PUK or Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and other Kurdish officials in northern Iraq after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Lives hang in the balance in what is left of Qala Diza. The Iraqi army destroyed this city of over 100,000 residents in the 1980's but after the Gulf War in 1991, it's Kurdish residents were able to return and start to rebuild their lives and homes. Iraq 1991

    The Iraqi government has imposed a strict blockade of food and fuel to the region known as Free Kurdistan, where families struggle to rebuild amid the wreckage.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Lives hang in the balance in what is left of Qala Diza. The Iraqi army destroyed this city of over 100,000 residents in the 1980's but after the Gulf War in 1991, it's Kurdish residents were able to return and start to rebuild their lives and homes. Iraq 1991

    The Iraqi government has imposed a strict blockade of food and fuel to the region known as Free Kurdistan, where families struggle to rebuild amid the wreckage.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War of 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the KDP and PUK. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War of 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the KDP and PUK. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    The stuggle of the Kurds, who constitute one of the largest ethnic groups in the world without a country of its own.
    A 54 year old woman wears the scars of Halabja, an Iraqi town that was annihilated by poison gas in 1988. Twenty-five of her relatives died in that attack, and now her daughter attends to wounds that continue to burn three years later. July 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    The stuggle of the Kurds, who constitute one of the largest ethnic groups in the world without a country of its own.
    A 54 year old woman wears the scars of Halabja, an Iraqi town that was annihilated by poison gas in 1988. Twenty-five of her relatives died in that attack, and now her daughter attends to wounds that continue to burn three years later. July 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish Pesh Merga recruits of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan train in a former Iraqi army base in Chalacholan, Iraq on July 8, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish Pesh Merga recruits of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan train in a former Iraqi army base in Chalacholan, Iraq on July 8, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Even the Pesh Merga have a dress code, and every morning they must go through the meticulous exercise of carefully donning the uniform of baggy pants, cumberbund, and headdress.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Even the Pesh Merga have a dress code, and every morning they must go through the meticulous exercise of carefully donning the uniform of baggy pants, cumberbund, and headdress.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Jalal Talabani of the PUK or Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, talks on a satellite phone in Iraqi Kurdistan. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Jalal Talabani of the PUK or Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, talks on a satellite phone in Iraqi Kurdistan. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII