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11 résultat(s)

  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War in Iraq on July 8, 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War in Iraq on July 8, 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War in Iraq on July 8, 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War in Iraq on July 8, 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Un commandant de l’arme rebelle maoïste, le camarade Mukti, forme des enfants lors d’un entraînement de type militaire à Thabang, la capitale de la région contrôlée par les maoïstes.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Un commandant de l’arme rebelle maoïste, le camarade Mukti, forme des enfants lors d’un entraînement de type militaire à Thabang, la capitale de la région contrôlée par les maoïstes.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    62.9MB Nikon LS-4000 scan from Fujifilm original transparency shot with Leica M6


  • Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Une jeune fille portant un T-shirt Britney Spears s’entraîne avec son bataillon de soldats rebelles maoïstes.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Une jeune fille portant un T-shirt Britney Spears s’entraîne avec son bataillon de soldats rebelles maoïstes.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War of 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the KDP and PUK. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men in northern Iraq train as new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death", after the Gulf War of 1991. The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the KDP and PUK. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish Pesh Merga recruits of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan train in a former Iraqi army base in Chalacholan, Iraq on July 8, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish Pesh Merga recruits of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan train in a former Iraqi army base in Chalacholan, Iraq on July 8, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish boys play soccer in the dusty "wild east" metropolis of Diyarbakir, Turkey on Aug. 23, 1991. Looming in the background is a remnant of the black basalt fortress walls that were begun under the Roman emperor Constantine in A.D. 348.

    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish boys play soccer in the dusty "wild east" metropolis of Diyarbakir, Turkey on Aug. 23, 1991. Looming in the background is a remnant of the black basalt fortress walls that were begun under the Roman emperor Constantine in A.D. 348.

    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Pesh Merga recruits line up for inspection in Iraq on Nov. 11, 1991. Pesh Merga recruits range in age from teenagers to men in their fifties. Their equipment, training, and numbers are no match for the best of the modern Iraqi army. Additional protection is provided by UN relief workers and a small but symbolic security contingent.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Pesh Merga recruits line up for inspection in Iraq on Nov. 11, 1991. Pesh Merga recruits range in age from teenagers to men in their fifties. Their equipment, training, and numbers are no match for the best of the modern Iraqi army. Additional protection is provided by UN relief workers and a small but symbolic security contingent.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men receive training in Chalacholan, Iraq on July 8, 1991. These men are new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death". The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. Training takes place in a former Iraqi army base in Chalacholan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish men receive training in Chalacholan, Iraq on July 8, 1991. These men are new recruits for the Pesh Merga, or "those who face death". The Pesh Merga in Iraq are aligned with the two main parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. Training takes place in a former Iraqi army base in Chalacholan.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • Face à la réalité
    Face à la réalité
    VALLEE DE LA BEKAA/ LIBAN/ juin 1981: Exercices d’entrainement dans le camp d’entrainement du Hezbollah, à Jante, dans la vallée de la Bekaa.
    Manoocher Deghati
    Face à la réalité
    VALLEE DE LA BEKAA/ LIBAN/ juin 1981: Exercices d’entrainement dans le camp d’entrainement du Hezbollah, à Jante, dans la vallée de la Bekaa.
    Manoocher Deghati


  • Face à la réalité
    Face à la réalité
    TEHERAN / IRAN / Mars 1980 : Des élèves d’un lycée de Téhéran apprennent à manier les armes. On mobilise en autre la population iranienne pour l’entrainement militaire.
    Manoocher Deghati
    Face à la réalité
    TEHERAN / IRAN / Mars 1980 : Des élèves d’un lycée de Téhéran apprennent à manier les armes. On mobilise en autre la population iranienne pour l’entrainement militaire.
    Manoocher Deghati