• Le train des oubliés
    Le train des oubliés
    A Tungala, des jeunes fêtent l'anniversaire d'un ami en mangeant des brochettes et en buvant bières et vodka. La plupart d'entre eux travaillent pour la compagnie nationale de chemin de fer.

    William Daniels
    Le train des oubliés
    A Tungala, des jeunes fêtent l'anniversaire d'un ami en mangeant des brochettes et en buvant bières et vodka. La plupart d'entre eux travaillent pour la compagnie nationale de chemin de fer.

    William Daniels


  • Le train des oubliés
    Le train des oubliés
    A Elban, l'équipe du train célèbre la fête traditionnelle Malestnitsa, le début du Carême et la fin de l'hiver, en buvant de la vodka, en mangeant des brochettes et en brulant une poupée.

    William Daniels
    Le train des oubliés
    A Elban, l'équipe du train célèbre la fête traditionnelle Malestnitsa, le début du Carême et la fin de l'hiver, en buvant de la vodka, en mangeant des brochettes et en brulant une poupée.

    William Daniels


  • Le train des oubliés
    Le train des oubliés
    Lors d'un arrêt dans la ville d' Elban, Carina Sadirdinova, prépare un barbecue pour célébrer Maslenitsa. Toute l'équipe mangera des brochettes, boira de la vodka et par tradition, brulera une poupée pour célébrer le début du carême et la fin de l'hiver.

    William Daniels
    Le train des oubliés
    Lors d'un arrêt dans la ville d' Elban, Carina Sadirdinova, prépare un barbecue pour célébrer Maslenitsa. Toute l'équipe mangera des brochettes, boira de la vodka et par tradition, brulera une poupée pour célébrer le début du carême et la fin de l'hiver.

    William Daniels


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. Alcoholics are among the few staying on in crumbling Arctic cities. Most others have moved south in search of jobs as Soviet-era industries collapse. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. Alcoholics are among the few staying on in crumbling Arctic cities. Most others have moved south in search of jobs as Soviet-era industries collapse. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Tourisme nucléaire
    Tourisme nucléaire
    Until now, few groups have had the chance to visit Chernobyl and its contaminated surroundings. But on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the world worst nuclear accident to date, the Ukrainian government legalized such tours and is developing plans to attract close to one million visitors to the zone in 2012. The first tours are already underway.

    One of the added advantages of touring Chernobyl Evacuation Zone is the purchase of vodka in a local store, which is much cheaper in Ukraine than in neighboring countries. “After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 people were advised to drink vodka to neutralize the radio-active toxic effects,” one tourist said when stocking up in a shop in Chernobyl after the tour of the Evacuation Zone. “It will be my remedy for the nuclear exposure I received today”.
    © Gerd Ludwig 2010 All Rights Reserved
    Tourisme nucléaire
    Until now, few groups have had the chance to visit Chernobyl and its contaminated surroundings. But on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the world worst nuclear accident to date, the Ukrainian government legalized such tours and is developing plans to attract close to one million visitors to the zone in 2012. The first tours are already underway.

    One of the added advantages of touring Chernobyl Evacuation Zone is the purchase of vodka in a local store, which is much cheaper in Ukraine than in neighboring countries. “After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 people were advised to drink vodka to neutralize the radio-active toxic effects,” one tourist said when stocking up in a shop in Chernobyl after the tour of the Evacuation Zone. “It will be my remedy for the nuclear exposure I received today”.
    © Gerd Ludwig 2010 All Rights Reserved


  • L'Empire brisé
    L'Empire brisé
    Starocherkassk, Russie, 1997. Après quelques joyeuses danses folkloriques, des pique niqueurs avalent un repas roboratif arrosé de grandes quantités de vodka.
    L'Empire brisé
    Starocherkassk, Russie, 1997. Après quelques joyeuses danses folkloriques, des pique niqueurs avalent un repas roboratif arrosé de grandes quantités de vodka.