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17 résultat(s)

  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Men working for the oil and gas prospecting company "Bashneft" sit together in the smoking room. Typically, they work in the cold, isolated Arctic tundra for the entire winter, returning to civilisation only in spring.
    2012 by Justin Jin. All rights reserved
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Men working for the oil and gas prospecting company "Bashneft" sit together in the smoking room. Typically, they work in the cold, isolated Arctic tundra for the entire winter, returning to civilisation only in spring.
    2012 by Justin Jin. All rights reserved


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    A prostitute solicits clients in Murmansk City, the biggest Arctic city on earth. While the region is full of resources such as metals, oil and gas, the population lives poorly.

    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    A prostitute solicits clients in Murmansk City, the biggest Arctic city on earth. While the region is full of resources such as metals, oil and gas, the population lives poorly.

    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. A heavy alcoholic, he started drinking at school when he was 14.
    Alexander was originally from Murmansk City, capital of Murmansk Province. Four years ago, he and his 26-year-old brother Yuri moved to Revda, a crumbling "Mono-city" where the whole town is hanging on the fate of a single, dying factory. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    Here, they scape together 70 roubles to buy 250ml of medical spirit.

    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. Alcoholics are among the few staying on in crumbling Arctic cities. Most others have moved south in search of jobs as Soviet-era industries collapse. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    2011 by Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Alexander Krashevski says he looks older, but he is only 35. Alcoholics are among the few staying on in crumbling Arctic cities. Most others have moved south in search of jobs as Soviet-era industries collapse. The local population is sharply falling, replaced in part by an influx of alcoholics like Alexander in search of cheap living.
    2011 by Justin Jin


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Sergei and Masha, a 19-year-old mother, drink beer during polar midnight in spring in the nickel-producing town of Zapolyarna. Here the fortune of the population is declining with the collapse of heavy industry in the Arctic north.
    2010 Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Sergei and Masha, a 19-year-old mother, drink beer during polar midnight in spring in the nickel-producing town of Zapolyarna. Here the fortune of the population is declining with the collapse of heavy industry in the Arctic north.
    2010 Justin Jin


  • Upstate Girls - Ce qu’il advint de Collar City
    Upstate Girls - Ce qu’il advint de Collar City
    Afavia allume une cigarette pour sa mère. À côté, sa sœur Little D (10 ans) et son frère David (8 ans) prennent leur petit-déjeuner.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally
    Upstate Girls - Ce qu’il advint de Collar City
    Afavia allume une cigarette pour sa mère. À côté, sa sœur Little D (10 ans) et son frère David (8 ans) prennent leur petit-déjeuner.
    © Brenda Ann Kenneally


  • Derrière le rideau synopsis
    Derrière le rideau synopsis
    Le Parti n’a pas dit son dernier mot / Moldavie
    La Moldavie n’est pas seulement le pays le plus pauvre d’Europe, c’est aussi la seule ancienne nation soviétique à avoir ramené le Parti communiste au pouvoir par des élections démocratiques. D’anciens agents du KGB et autres apparatchiks de l’ère soviétique sont parvenus à conserver les postes-clés de l’économie et de la politique. Les communistes ont été réélus au printemps 2009, toutefois des soupçons de fraude ont déclenché de violentes manifestations et une crise constitutionnelle. Le peuple de Moldavie est coincé entre l’Est et l’Ouest, et son avenir est incertain.
    Tomas Van Houtryve / VII Mentor
    Derrière le rideau synopsis
    Le Parti n’a pas dit son dernier mot / Moldavie
    La Moldavie n’est pas seulement le pays le plus pauvre d’Europe, c’est aussi la seule ancienne nation soviétique à avoir ramené le Parti communiste au pouvoir par des élections démocratiques. D’anciens agents du KGB et autres apparatchiks de l’ère soviétique sont parvenus à conserver les postes-clés de l’économie et de la politique. Les communistes ont été réélus au printemps 2009, toutefois des soupçons de fraude ont déclenché de violentes manifestations et une crise constitutionnelle. Le peuple de Moldavie est coincé entre l’Est et l’Ouest, et son avenir est incertain.
    Tomas Van Houtryve / VII Mentor
    36.4MB digital original RAW (CR2) file from Canon 5D camera


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Miners smoke under a "No Smoking" sign after work at the Severny pit, one of five coal mines still operating around Vorkuta. A decade ago there were 13.
    Average life expectancy for a miner in the Far North is around 54, but many die in their forties.
    Vorkuta is a coal mining and former Gulag town 1,200 miles north east of Moscow, beyond the Arctic Circle, where temperatures in winter drop to -50C.
    Here, whole villages are being slowly deserted and reclaimed by snow, while the financial crisis is squeezing coal mining companies that already struggle to find workers.
    Moscow says its Far North is a strategic region, targeting huge investment to exploit its oil and gas resources. But there is a paradox: the Far North is actually dying. Every year thousands of people from towns and cities in the Russian Arctic are fleeing south. The system of subsidies that propped up Siberia and the Arctic in the Soviet times has crumbled. Now there’s no advantage to living in the Far North - salaries are no higher than in central Russia and prices for goods are higher.
    Copyright 2009 by Justin Jin. All rights reserved.
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Miners smoke under a "No Smoking" sign after work at the Severny pit, one of five coal mines still operating around Vorkuta. A decade ago there were 13.
    Average life expectancy for a miner in the Far North is around 54, but many die in their forties.
    Vorkuta is a coal mining and former Gulag town 1,200 miles north east of Moscow, beyond the Arctic Circle, where temperatures in winter drop to -50C.
    Here, whole villages are being slowly deserted and reclaimed by snow, while the financial crisis is squeezing coal mining companies that already struggle to find workers.
    Moscow says its Far North is a strategic region, targeting huge investment to exploit its oil and gas resources. But there is a paradox: the Far North is actually dying. Every year thousands of people from towns and cities in the Russian Arctic are fleeing south. The system of subsidies that propped up Siberia and the Arctic in the Soviet times has crumbled. Now there’s no advantage to living in the Far North - salaries are no higher than in central Russia and prices for goods are higher.
    Copyright 2009 by Justin Jin. All rights reserved.
    Email justin@justinjin.com for instructions.


  • JBH - Pleasure Island
    JBH - Pleasure Island
    Pleasure Island
    Une femme transexuelle nue attire un touriste durant la fête de la manumission au Coco Loco bar à Ibiza, août 2006.
    © Jocelyn Bain Hogg / VII
    JBH - Pleasure Island
    Pleasure Island
    Une femme transexuelle nue attire un touriste durant la fête de la manumission au Coco Loco bar à Ibiza, août 2006.
    © Jocelyn Bain Hogg / VII
    Mandatory Credit: Jocelyn Bain Hogg/VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A Kurdish man smoking on the streets of Zahko, Iraq on May 1, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A Kurdish man smoking on the streets of Zahko, Iraq on May 1, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish traders at a livestock market in the town of Zahko, Iraq. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish traders at a livestock market in the town of Zahko, Iraq. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • JBH - The Firm
    JBH - The Firm
    Mickey Goldtooth serre les fesses de sa petite-amie Maria, alors que sa culotte est visible à travers le tissus fin de sa robe, Playa de las Americas, Tenerife, Espagne clutches his girlfriend Maria's bottom, as her knickers show through the flimsy dress fabric, in Playa de las Americas, Tenerife, Spain on Feb. 26, 1999.
    © Jocelyn Bain Hogg / VII
    JBH - The Firm
    Mickey Goldtooth serre les fesses de sa petite-amie Maria, alors que sa culotte est visible à travers le tissus fin de sa robe, Playa de las Americas, Tenerife, Espagne clutches his girlfriend Maria's bottom, as her knickers show through the flimsy dress fabric, in Playa de las Americas, Tenerife, Spain on Feb. 26, 1999.
    © Jocelyn Bain Hogg / VII
    *** FEATURE SALE ONLY *** *** Sales require photographer approval *** *** Captions may not be altered. ***


  • L'Empire brisé
    L'Empire brisé
    Moscou, 1992. Cigarette à la main, ue sentinelle fumant fait le guet sur la Place Krasnoprenenskaïa pendant que ses compagnons vendent des verres de vin maison aux Moscovites assoiffés. La fin du régime soviétique a donné toute liberté à ces contrebandiers d'alcool et autres trafiquants du Caucase (à quatre jours de voiture) pour étendre leurs affaires jusqu'à la capitale russe.
    L'Empire brisé
    Moscou, 1992. Cigarette à la main, ue sentinelle fumant fait le guet sur la Place Krasnoprenenskaïa pendant que ses compagnons vendent des verres de vin maison aux Moscovites assoiffés. La fin du régime soviétique a donné toute liberté à ces contrebandiers d'alcool et autres trafiquants du Caucase (à quatre jours de voiture) pour étendre leurs affaires jusqu'à la capitale russe.


  • L'arbre témoin
    L'arbre témoin
    Homme avec une cigarette assis dans un arbre. Chine, 05-1987
    © Alain Keler 1998
    L'arbre témoin
    Homme avec une cigarette assis dans un arbre. Chine, 05-1987
    © Alain Keler 1998


    Le professeur Choron avait besoin d’une « photo à la con » pour publier dans Hara Kiri. Il promettait aux nouveaux abonnés son buste au crane rasé, transformé en coquetier 1980.
    © Arnaud Baumann & Xavier Lambours
    Le professeur Choron avait besoin d’une « photo à la con » pour publier dans Hara Kiri. Il promettait aux nouveaux abonnés son buste au crane rasé, transformé en coquetier 1980.
    © Arnaud Baumann & Xavier Lambours