• Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    A boy shaves a man at a roadside barber stand near slum housing for recent migrants from rural areas on the outskirts of Kathmandu, on 7 January, 2006. The decade long conflict between Maoists and the Hindu monarchy has driven thousands of people out of the rural areas and into the city.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    A boy shaves a man at a roadside barber stand near slum housing for recent migrants from rural areas on the outskirts of Kathmandu, on 7 January, 2006. The decade long conflict between Maoists and the Hindu monarchy has driven thousands of people out of the rural areas and into the city.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    36.4MB digital original RAW (CR2) file from Canon 5D camera


  • Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Une réfugiée qui a fui un village pris par les maoïstes, allaite un enfant dans le camp de Kirin Khola pour personnes déplacées.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Une réfugiée qui a fui un village pris par les maoïstes, allaite un enfant dans le camp de Kirin Khola pour personnes déplacées.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    Nikon LS-4000 scan from original Fujifilm transparency shot with Leica M6


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    The Yemesli refugee camp in Iraq was set up for displaced Iraqi Kurds after the Gulf War of 1991. It became home to 60,000 Kurdish refugees for months after the war but does not exist anymore. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    The Yemesli refugee camp in Iraq was set up for displaced Iraqi Kurds after the Gulf War of 1991. It became home to 60,000 Kurdish refugees for months after the war but does not exist anymore. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A tourist rest stop in Northern Iraq serves as a shelter for Kurdish refugees, who have returned from camps in Turkey but are afraid to go deeper into Iraq to their hometowns. Near Dohuk, Iraq. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A tourist rest stop in Northern Iraq serves as a shelter for Kurdish refugees, who have returned from camps in Turkey but are afraid to go deeper into Iraq to their hometowns. Near Dohuk, Iraq. 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    The Yemesli refugee camp in Iraq was set up for displaced Iraqi Kurds after the Gulf War of 1991. It became home to 60,000 Kurdish refugees for months after the war but does not exist anymore. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    The Yemesli refugee camp in Iraq was set up for displaced Iraqi Kurds after the Gulf War of 1991. It became home to 60,000 Kurdish refugees for months after the war but does not exist anymore. Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Kurdish refugees from Iraq stayed in the Ishikveren Camp in Turkey after the Gulf War in 1991. Here a family waits in their tent for their baby to die from malnutrition. Turkey 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Kurdish refugees from Iraq stayed in the Ishikveren Camp in Turkey after the Gulf War in 1991. Here a family waits in their tent for their baby to die from malnutrition. Turkey 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A helicopter brings supplies to Kurds in Ishikveren, Turkey on Nov. 11, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A helicopter brings supplies to Kurds in Ishikveren, Turkey on Nov. 11, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    The Ishikveren Refugee Camp in Turkey was home to 200,000 Kurds from Iraq who fled after the Gulf War in 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    The Ishikveren Refugee Camp in Turkey was home to 200,000 Kurds from Iraq who fled after the Gulf War in 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    The Ishikveren Refugee Camp in Turkey was home to 200,000 Kurds from Iraq who fled after the Gulf War in 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    The Ishikveren Refugee Camp in Turkey was home to 200,000 Kurds from Iraq who fled after the Gulf War in 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII