• Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Anti-monarchy protesters block the road under an effigy of King Gyanendra hanging form a power line in Kathmandu, Nepal on 24 April, 2006. Protesters shut down several sections of the Ring Road around the capital with dozens of road blocks.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    Chute d'un Dieu souverain
    Anti-monarchy protesters block the road under an effigy of King Gyanendra hanging form a power line in Kathmandu, Nepal on 24 April, 2006. Protesters shut down several sections of the Ring Road around the capital with dozens of road blocks.
    © Tomas Van Hourtryve / VII Mentor
    36.4MB digital original RAW (CR2) file from Canon 5D camera