• Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Girls stand on hot-water pipes in Zapolyarny, a nickel-processing sister town of Nikel. Sulphur dioxide from the factory kills vegetation, pollutes ground water and causes asthma.
    2010 Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Girls stand on hot-water pipes in Zapolyarny, a nickel-processing sister town of Nikel. Sulphur dioxide from the factory kills vegetation, pollutes ground water and causes asthma.
    2010 Justin Jin
    Email Justin Jin for usage instructions.


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Gases emitted from the nickel mining combine in the Russian Arctic town of Nikel kills almost all vegetation within 5 km radius. The combine, built in 1937 during Stalin's reign, emits five times more sulphur dioxide -- the cause of acid rain -- than the whole of Norway just seven kilometres away across the Russian border.
    In 2001, Norway gave Norilsk Nickel, the head company, 32 million euros to modernise the facility and cut pollution. The money disappeared, and the pollution carries on.
    The pollution is caused
    2010 Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Gases emitted from the nickel mining combine in the Russian Arctic town of Nikel kills almost all vegetation within 5 km radius. The combine, built in 1937 during Stalin's reign, emits five times more sulphur dioxide -- the cause of acid rain -- than the whole of Norway just seven kilometres away across the Russian border.
    In 2001, Norway gave Norilsk Nickel, the head company, 32 million euros to modernise the facility and cut pollution. The money disappeared, and the pollution carries on.
    The pollution is caused
    2010 Justin Jin
    Email Justin Jin for usage instructions.


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Gases emitted from the nickel mining combine hangs over the Russian Arctic town of Nikel and kills almost all vegetation within sight. The combine, built in 1937 during Stalin's reign, emits five times more sulphur dioxide -- the cause of acid rain -- than the whole of Norway just seven kilometres away on the Russian border.
    In 2001, Norway gave Norilsk Nickel, the head company, 32 million euros to modernise the facility and cut pollution. The money disappeared, but the factory was not improved.
    Sulphur dioxide emitted from the factory kills vegetation, pollutes ground water and causes asthma, especially among children.
    2010 Justin Jin
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Gases emitted from the nickel mining combine hangs over the Russian Arctic town of Nikel and kills almost all vegetation within sight. The combine, built in 1937 during Stalin's reign, emits five times more sulphur dioxide -- the cause of acid rain -- than the whole of Norway just seven kilometres away on the Russian border.
    In 2001, Norway gave Norilsk Nickel, the head company, 32 million euros to modernise the facility and cut pollution. The money disappeared, but the factory was not improved.
    Sulphur dioxide emitted from the factory kills vegetation, pollutes ground water and causes asthma, especially among children.
    2010 Justin Jin
    Email Justin Jin for usage instructions.


  • Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Sunken boats and abandoned houses lay rotting by an icy bay in Teriberka, a former prosperous fish-processing community.

    Today, Teriberka is again in the spot-light after the world's largest known natural gas reserve – the Shtokman gas field – was discovered off its shore. Multi-national companies, led by Gazprom, is rushing in to built the area into a landing base for the gas.

    Teriberka's population shrunk from about 14,000 at its height to just more than 1,000 today after the fishing industry collapsed, the town's administrative status was lowered and people moved south to seek work.
    Today, Teriberka is again in the spot-light with the construction of a base there for the landing of the gas pipeline from the world's largest known natural gas field.
    2010 by Justin Jin. All rights reserved.
    Zone of Absolute Discomfort
    Sunken boats and abandoned houses lay rotting by an icy bay in Teriberka, a former prosperous fish-processing community.

    Today, Teriberka is again in the spot-light after the world's largest known natural gas reserve – the Shtokman gas field – was discovered off its shore. Multi-national companies, led by Gazprom, is rushing in to built the area into a landing base for the gas.

    Teriberka's population shrunk from about 14,000 at its height to just more than 1,000 today after the fishing industry collapsed, the town's administrative status was lowered and people moved south to seek work.
    Today, Teriberka is again in the spot-light with the construction of a base there for the landing of the gas pipeline from the world's largest known natural gas field.
    2010 by Justin Jin. All rights reserved.
    Email Justin Jin for usage instructions.


  • Héritage toxique
    Héritage toxique
    Kiev / Ukraine
    Des cas d'allergies et de maladies de peau effrayants chez les enfants d'Ukraine, comme celui-ci atteint d'une maladie de la peau, causent une inquiétude croissante aux parents et médecins qui attribuent l'augmentation du nombre de maladies à l'accident de Tchernobyl et aux agents polluants des centres industriels proches.
    © Gerd Ludwig
    Héritage toxique
    Kiev / Ukraine
    Des cas d'allergies et de maladies de peau effrayants chez les enfants d'Ukraine, comme celui-ci atteint d'une maladie de la peau, causent une inquiétude croissante aux parents et médecins qui attribuent l'augmentation du nombre de maladies à l'accident de Tchernobyl et aux agents polluants des centres industriels proches.
    © Gerd Ludwig


  • Héritage toxique
    Héritage toxique
    Kiev / Ukraine
    Dans nombre d'endroits de l'ancien empire soviétique, les enfants doivent payer le prix des péchés de leurs aînés. A Kiev la dermatite d'une petite fille n'est qu'un exemple de l'augmentation des affections allergiques dues à la dégradation de l'environnement.
    © Gerd Ludwig
    Héritage toxique
    Kiev / Ukraine
    Dans nombre d'endroits de l'ancien empire soviétique, les enfants doivent payer le prix des péchés de leurs aînés. A Kiev la dermatite d'une petite fille n'est qu'un exemple de l'augmentation des affections allergiques dues à la dégradation de l'environnement.
    © Gerd Ludwig


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    Iraqi Kurds returned to their homes and the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq, after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    Iraqi Kurds returned to their homes and the rubble of Penjwin, Iraq, after the Gulf War of 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    This seven year old Kurdish boy was blinded and burned by an Iraqi phosphorous bomb.The Iraqi army dropped bombs on the fleeing Kurds after the failed Kurdish uprising in the wake of the Gulf War. Shaqlawa, Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    This seven year old Kurdish boy was blinded and burned by an Iraqi phosphorous bomb.The Iraqi army dropped bombs on the fleeing Kurds after the failed Kurdish uprising in the wake of the Gulf War. Shaqlawa, Iraq 1991
    © Ed Kashi / VII


  • The Kurds
    The Kurds
    A Kurdish guerrilla inspects an unexploded chemical bomb from the 1988 atack that killed 5,000 Kurds in Halabja, Iraq on July 8, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII
    The Kurds
    A Kurdish guerrilla inspects an unexploded chemical bomb from the 1988 atack that killed 5,000 Kurds in Halabja, Iraq on July 8, 1991.
    © Ed Kashi / VII