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16 résultat(s)

  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    When it became apparent that John would never fully recover, Virginia and her two daughters moved into hospice mode, taking over from the nurses most of his basic needs. They changed his bedliners, administered pain medication and sat vigil around the clock. Decline came swiftly and within a week, john died.
    (San Francisco, CA 2000)

    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    When it became apparent that John would never fully recover, Virginia and her two daughters moved into hospice mode, taking over from the nurses most of his basic needs. They changed his bedliners, administered pain medication and sat vigil around the clock. Decline came swiftly and within a week, john died.
    (San Francisco, CA 2000)



  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    John Magrath prepares for a CT scan after he fell and hit his head. San Francisco, CA 1999.

    The fastest growing segment of society today is people over 85, a group of heightened physical and social needs. On Lok, a service in San Francisco, enables frail elders to live at home as long as possible. It provides healthcare, social work, and daycare so the oldest old can remain independant.
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    John Magrath prepares for a CT scan after he fell and hit his head. San Francisco, CA 1999.

    The fastest growing segment of society today is people over 85, a group of heightened physical and social needs. On Lok, a service in San Francisco, enables frail elders to live at home as long as possible. It provides healthcare, social work, and daycare so the oldest old can remain independant.


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    "Ain't she the prettiest corpse you ever seen?" asks Arden Peters at his wife's funeral. Before she past away, Maxine's last words to Arden were, "I love you."

    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    "Ain't she the prettiest corpse you ever seen?" asks Arden Peters at his wife's funeral. Before she past away, Maxine's last words to Arden were, "I love you."



  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Warren comforts Arden. For over a year Warren has lived with the Peters, cooking, cleaning, maintaining the grounds and the residents inside. "I’ll never leave him," says Warren, who will move his bed into Arden’s room so he can be by his friend’s side. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Warren comforts Arden. For over a year Warren has lived with the Peters, cooking, cleaning, maintaining the grounds and the residents inside. "I’ll never leave him," says Warren, who will move his bed into Arden’s room so he can be by his friend’s side. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Maxine Peters' legs and feet are ravaged by arthritis.

    Maxine Peters, 90, clings to a doll given to her by one of her attendants. She is suffering from Parkson’s and end stage Alzheimer’s. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Maxine Peters' legs and feet are ravaged by arthritis.

    Maxine Peters, 90, clings to a doll given to her by one of her attendants. She is suffering from Parkson’s and end stage Alzheimer’s. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    At WalMart, Arden and Warren wait for a prescription to be filled.
    Arden and Warren originally met in this WalMart, where they used to both have morning coffee. Warren, a life-long bachelor, says he loves taking care of old people. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    At WalMart, Arden and Warren wait for a prescription to be filled.
    Arden and Warren originally met in this WalMart, where they used to both have morning coffee. Warren, a life-long bachelor, says he loves taking care of old people. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Warren DeWitt (right), age 76, moved into the house with Maxine and Arden (90) over a year ago to help look after the couple. For over a year Warren has lived with Peters, cooking, cleaning, and maintaining the grounds. His chores also include trimming Arden’s hair. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Warren DeWitt (right), age 76, moved into the house with Maxine and Arden (90) over a year ago to help look after the couple. For over a year Warren has lived with Peters, cooking, cleaning, and maintaining the grounds. His chores also include trimming Arden’s hair. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Francis Austin wears his Civilian Conservation Corps uniform from the 1930’s, a time he remembers as the best of his life. (Grafton, West Virginia 2000)

    West Virginia has the highest median age in the United States. Preston County, where Francis Austin lives, has one of the highest per capita elderly populations in the county.
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Francis Austin wears his Civilian Conservation Corps uniform from the 1930’s, a time he remembers as the best of his life. (Grafton, West Virginia 2000)

    West Virginia has the highest median age in the United States. Preston County, where Francis Austin lives, has one of the highest per capita elderly populations in the county.


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Francis Austin wears his Civilian Conservation Corps uniform from the 1930’s, a time he remembers as the best of his life. (Grafton, West Virginia 2000)

    West Virginia has the highest median age in the United States. Preston County, where Francis Austin lives, has one of the highest per capita elderly populations in the county.
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Francis Austin wears his Civilian Conservation Corps uniform from the 1930’s, a time he remembers as the best of his life. (Grafton, West Virginia 2000)

    West Virginia has the highest median age in the United States. Preston County, where Francis Austin lives, has one of the highest per capita elderly populations in the county.


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Maxine Peters, 90, clings to a doll given to her by one of her attendants. She is suffering from Parkson’s and end stage Alzheimer’s. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Maxine Peters, 90, clings to a doll given to her by one of her attendants. She is suffering from Parkson’s and end stage Alzheimer’s. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    The Peters pay out of pocket for fulltime caregivers. Last year it cost Arden $30,000 to run his home, much of which was spent on Maxine's care.
    (Gladesville, WV, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    The Peters pay out of pocket for fulltime caregivers. Last year it cost Arden $30,000 to run his home, much of which was spent on Maxine's care.
    (Gladesville, WV, 2000)


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Francis Austin wears his Civilian Conservation Corps uniform from the 1930’s, a time he remembers as the best of his life. (Grafton, West Virginia 2000)

    West Virginia has the highest median age in the United States. Preston County, where Francis Austin lives, has one of the highest per capita elderly populations in the county.
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Francis Austin wears his Civilian Conservation Corps uniform from the 1930’s, a time he remembers as the best of his life. (Grafton, West Virginia 2000)

    West Virginia has the highest median age in the United States. Preston County, where Francis Austin lives, has one of the highest per capita elderly populations in the county.


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Maine receives home hopsice care. She is suffering from Parkson’s and end stage Alzheimer’s. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Maine receives home hopsice care. She is suffering from Parkson’s and end stage Alzheimer’s. (Gladesville, WV, 2000)


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Henry Friedman and Rose Herman are a retired doctor and nurse who volunteer for the MediVan Project. Their mobile clinic provides healthcare to poor people who would otherwise go without basic healthcare. (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Henry Friedman and Rose Herman are a retired doctor and nurse who volunteer for the MediVan Project. Their mobile clinic provides healthcare to poor people who would otherwise go without basic healthcare. (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2000)


  • Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Henry Friedman and Rose Herman are a retired doctor and nurse who volunteer for the MediVan Project. Their mobile clinic provides healthcare to poor people who would otherwise go without basic healthcare. (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2000)
    Aging in America: The Years Ahead
    Henry Friedman and Rose Herman are a retired doctor and nurse who volunteer for the MediVan Project. Their mobile clinic provides healthcare to poor people who would otherwise go without basic healthcare. (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2000)


  • Héritage toxique
    Héritage toxique
    Kiev / Ukraine
    Dans nombre d'endroits de l'ancien empire soviétique, les enfants doivent payer le prix des péchés de leurs aînés. A Kiev la dermatite d'une petite fille n'est qu'un exemple de l'augmentation des affections allergiques dues à la dégradation de l'environnement.
    © Gerd Ludwig
    Héritage toxique
    Kiev / Ukraine
    Dans nombre d'endroits de l'ancien empire soviétique, les enfants doivent payer le prix des péchés de leurs aînés. A Kiev la dermatite d'une petite fille n'est qu'un exemple de l'augmentation des affections allergiques dues à la dégradation de l'environnement.
    © Gerd Ludwig